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3 years ago

In addition to the mechanical filtering out of suspended substances from the aquarium, biochemical processes are also carried out by bacteria (Nitrobacter). These bacteria need oxygen to live.

In the case of a filter switched off, an oxygen deficiency for the bacteria can occur. The bacterial cultures would be converted into denitrification after a short time and nitrite is formed inside the filter until the limiting concentration is reached. When the filter is switched on again, it then gets back into the aquarium water and can poison the aquarium inhabitants and lead to the death of the fish.

Hydrogen sulphide is likewise formed in digesting processes under a lack of oxygen. This is also extremely toxic and will have a lasting negative impact on the aquarium. Hydrogen sulphide is noticed by the smell when it smells muffy and rotten eggs in the aquarium water. filter nights off/

3 years ago
Reply to  Schimeck

Thanks for this detailed explanation. I had three aquariums with medium success a few centuries ago. But by now, I’m back in love with a freshwater pool.

3 years ago

No, that’s not good, the bacteria don’t handle it.

3 years ago

if you do not plan to make this possible every day but depends strongly on what an aquarium you have is like big or what for animals and how many you have