Aquarium fehler begangen?

Hallo ich habe einen blöden Fehler gemacht.

Für mein Aquarium habe ich Fische online bestellt, der Shop will nicht mehr stornieren. Nun kommen 20 Fische morgen an aber der Nitrit Gehalt ist noch viel zu hoch im Becken. Zurücksenden ist nicht möglich. Einzigste Option ist, dass ich die annehme und einsetze.

Was kann ich noch tun, um die kleinen zu retten? Sie sollen nicht sterben wegen einer Nitritvergiftung. Auch die anderen Werte wie PH etc waren nicht gerade hervorgegangen.. Bakterien und Wasseraufbereiter von Terta hab ich schon geholt. Wasserwechsel hab ich auch gemacht (80%)

(2 votes)

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2 years ago

but the nitrite content is still far too high in the basin.

Is he over 5? Over 10?

That would be too high.

You shouldn’t die because of nitrite poisoning. Also the other values such as PH etc had not just emerged.. I’ve already got bacteria and water heaters from Terta. I also made water change (80%)

They won’t die.

Make a 90-95% change of water with tempered water and add a little pure (non-iodized) sodium chloride to the water.

Nitrite is not highly toxic in alkaline water! Salt is a very strong antidote.

The situation is always the same – you don’t measure ammonia, do you? What does the nitrite care? Nothing.

Tests only make problem- you should not test the water as a beginner.

2 years ago

This is, of course, stupid, depending on how high it was, I would try to leave the fish in a zooshop or sell them, or put them in an acquaintance if that happens.

Then, of course, it would be interesting to find out why the nitrite value was so high. Perhaps too many fish are in the basin? Or the filter doesn’t fit. Otherwise give water heaters in, today still and the best hope and regularly change water.

2 years ago

Large water changes every day until the problem is under control

Why to buy eggs online fish 🤨

2 years ago
Reply to  Pialesb29

It doesn’t mean buying fish or shrimp online at serious breeders, better than in zoo trading.

My shrimps also came with the post that the breeder of whom I wanted to live six hours away 🙂

2 years ago

Why do you order animals before you don’t get 100%?

fish now in there and every day minimum 50% water change.