Aquarium besatz?

Hallo ich habe folgende Frage. Ich habe in meinem 60l Aquarium Aktuell 4 Mamorpanzerwelse 6 neons und 2 kleine platy. Ich möchte jetzt gerne Fisch dazu holen auf jeden fall erstmal 1 bis 2 Welse und 4 Neon. Könnte ich auch noch einen Anderen Schwarm Fische einsetzten dacht an eine kleiner Bärblings art oder idt das becken so schon gut gefüllt.

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3 years ago

Armored cats should be at least 10 there, but please a smaller species! For 60l, marbled armored velvets (C. paleatus) are too large. There are dwarf armorfish that look similar (C. habrosus).

For platys, an excess of females should be kept. Two are too little. Please remember to find customers for young fish in time when the platys multiply.

The Neons should not be kept under 10 pieces.

You shouldn’t use another swarm. There are too many fish that take away the pool from each other.

3 years ago

If you’re holding your occupancy properly, so you can increase the platys and armored velvet, that’s enough.

3 years ago

Hi, give the platys away, stick the armored velvet on at least 6 and get the still a few neons

3 years ago
Reply to  Luisa423

*Stocke, *dir

3 years ago

No! It’s really enough for a 60s.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scherz8cs

The catfish are not suitable for such a small pool

Neon’s going to grow up, the pool is full!

3 years ago
Reply to  Scherz8cs

Yeah, well, then long. But with the cat, look exactly if it can be kept in 60 liters… I don’t know that since there are too many different things

3 years ago

4 Neons can still. That’s enough.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scherz8cs

60l isn’t much. They must feel comfortable. Imagine you’d have to live in there. Would you have Bock that the cabin is full?