Hello, I want to get an aquarium for my room soon, preferably one for up to 100€, can you recommend something to me, so it shouldn't be that big either
Hello, I want to get an aquarium for my room soon, preferably one for up to 100€, can you recommend something to me, so it shouldn't be that big either
Can anyone tell me if this is correct?
The water in my pond is very cloudy. I have one water source, an old well that constantly adds a little oxygen. What is causing the cloudiness? Lack of oxygen, algae. How can I fix it? In midsummer it is even cloudier and greener.
Hello, I wanted to ask if temperatures of 29.9°C are bad for the shrimp in summer (despite changing the water with colder water it stays that way (heating rod is actually set to 25°C)) I hope you can help me, I am very worried about my Nelis
Good morning, I have a question. Yesterday, I got 10 Sakura shrimp and "threw" them into my tank. One shrimp was immediately attacked by a tetra, but it seemed as if the tetra had mistaken the shrimp for food, as it didn't launch another attack. It's now a day later, and I can only find…
Aquaristics can be a wonderful hobby – but this is not as easy as it looks and some starters imagine it.
It’d be very important if you don’t mind. 1 or 2 books “Aquaristics for Beginners” would thoroughly read through.
To make an AQ such a beautiful eye-catcher and a suitable habitat for fish, it needs more than to set up an AQ, water pure, plants and animals pure. An AQ is a highly sensitive biological system in which many factors are dependent on each other, must be mutually consistent.
Otherwise, you quickly have a green, nasty broth with decaying plants, an algae plague and sick and dying fish.
It is very important that a new AQ at least. 3 weeks have to enter (EXCE animals!) – rather it is not possible that the important useful bacteria are formed, which convert the highly toxic substances into non-toxic plant food.
It takes about 1 week until a water pollution takes place. Then the nitrosomonas form, which oxidize ammonia (toxic) in nitrite – this also takes about 1 week. And only when the nitrite rises high (also highly toxic for fish), then the nitrobacters are formed which convert this nitrite into nitrate (= nontoxic plant food).
Then it is urgent to find out which values the water comes from the line – total hardness, carbonate hardness, PH value. Because according to these values (and of course the size of the aquarium), you have to select the possible fish. And according to this is also the necessary facility. Some fish need a sand bottom, others need a strong planting or a lot of free swimming space, some need wood and/or caves….
Of course, it is not possible to combine all types of fish with each other, some of which can only be considered a couple, others need a larger group.
The selection of the aquarium and the entire technology is very important. The low-priced complete sets are usually also only “priced” – the filters do nothing, the lighting does not. And that’s how you can try, it’ll never be a beautiful, working aquarium.
If the place and the money has, it should start at least with an 80 cm AQ (100 l) – such an aquarium forgives the first care error better than a usual 60 cm AQ (54 l).
ALL this aquarium you NOT get for the planned 100 euros – because the ground floor, decoration, plants and and and usually cost more than the AQ itself.
Therefore, my good advice: Just look at the many regional classified portals – there aquariums are delivered for mostly little money without end. But please don’t buy one that’s still filled – so you only get the biggest problems. Buy one that is empty and clean and has all the required technology.
So much information you need to get. And a lot of time you need to work on the subject responsibly.
Wow very detailed and understandable wrote👍🏼 I was very interested in reading
54 litres of complete kits are available at the 60,- to 70,- Euro. However, these are qualitatively pure scrap and mass goods. I think you’d do a bigger favor with a 100 liter aquarium at the start. On Ebay classifieds you will be guaranteed to show.
And inform yourself thoroughly (!!!!) which fish fit together and which do not! Always go out of the final size.
I saw the Eheim LED set standing for 75 euros last week in a branch of a well-known zoo retail chain. If you don’t want to hold dwarf tiles, the set is all right. For dwarf cigarettes you need another filter.
The set of Aquatlantis is still ok. It is only necessary to convert the filter to normal sponges, but this is easy because the interior is angular.
Jewel would be okay if there wasn’t the extremely impractical, one-piece cover. Whoever is convinced that it doesn’t bother him can buy it anyway. The technology itself is okay.
All the other 60 sets I know are really between naja and nee.
So an aquarium, with everything that belongs to it, you hardly get under 100€.
At least no sex / animal-friendly.
Look at Olibetta. There you might still find something in your price category. (But please remember that more belongs than just a basin).
Water still belongs to it, right?
You’re also a pleasure
Something like that?
R & D
GOD WILLEN! Animal torture and in Germany prohibited in trade! Classic Bockmist sold by China in Germany!
In the United States, I realize that I am not going to keep a pike, but rather a Golsfisch son smaller or something….
I only briefly note that these aquariums are absolutely not fish-friendly.
So we don’t know what the aquarium should be for later, but don’t put fish (or generally animals) in that.
But little animals go, have one, and the fish is happy with it
my eyes bleed… buy NIEMALS in life like this! Should be banned everywhere
Too bad you feel something that is forbidden from the dt TierschutzG!
Perhaps it makes sense to answer in the GF only if you actually have any idea? At least when it comes to being alive? You don’t always have to write an answer to everything…
Ball lenses do not allow animal husbandry compatible with §2 TierSchG. That is why it is forbidden to use them as an aquarium.
However, they are wonderfully suited to cultivate a Wabikusa in it, because the moist microclimate in the glass does well for the plants used.
Okay then I won’t get one next time
There are also people who leave dogs 10h alone or keep hamsters in a cage. It’s not animal-friendly.
A glass thing is animal cruelty!
That’s the problem here. The fish have no orientation because the part is round. Floor area small, thus hardly possible for a healthy bacterial climate in the aquarium. And how do I mount a corresponding filter?
And the USA are with absolute security, fishing in the Stone Age!
Please inform you about the correct fish keeping and also specifically about such aquariums.
I’m sure you want your animals well.
He’s small? Then the Hab looked at me a video that even had 3 small fish in it, not larger than 5cm
You’re holding a fish like that??? Don’t do that, please buy him a clever aquarium.