ich habe gerade eine Diskussion bei Instagram mitbekommen:
,,Ich bin Schwanger” ist kein Scherz.
Da wird gesagt dass man solche Scherze lassen soll weil es Leute gibt mit KiWu und Fehlgeburten usw. die man damit verletzt.
Die Leute in den Kommentaren waren verschiedener Meinung.
Einige sagen: Leben und leben lassen.
Andere sagen: Diese Leute sollen mehr Rücksicht nehmen.
Ich persönlich sehe es als selbst betroffen so dass ich damit umgehen muss und nicht alle anderen. Eine Schwangerschaft ist etwas schönes sowie eine Geburt auch. Ansonsten dürfte ja niemand mehr etwas über Schwangerschaften usw. sagen/zeigen?
Ich frage mich nun was genau an diesem “Scherz” für die betroffenen schlimm ist. Ist es die Schwangerschaft an sich ? Aber das würde ja bedeuten sie gönnen es keinem weil sie es selbst nicht haben ?
Was denkt ihr darüber ?
Someone who was pregnant and never wanted to be, or was raped, and people who would like to be pregnant, but it doesn’t work or just happen miscarriages… for all these people this is a trigger.
They react sensitively accordingly. Intelligible way.
But not every joke is bad. So I think both sides are right.
And I don’t like April Shear anyway. I’m just annoying. xD
Of course, I don’t find such a joke funny, but you don’t have to talk to people badly.
Of course, you shouldn’t do this to affected people if you know… but where exactly is the trigger at this “snow”?
The trigger is there when people get through the above things or go through.
If you publicly announce on a social media page that you are pregnant, everyone can read it.
If you write your friend “I am pregnant” then only he reads it. So it’s something else.
Hope that was understandable now.
I’ll give you the right thing. In the post yesterday, however, it was demanded that all the world be respected. In some cases it was written literally in the comments.
Thank you for your time. I just wanted to understand it so much before I consolidate my opinion.
No, of course you can’t ask the others to be proud of their pregnancy. But it’s just a difference whether it’s true or at the end it turns out to be a joke.
Those affected will certainly work on themselves, but such things need time. Some get it better or faster, others need longer.
I also do not think the person concerned expects all the world to take account of them. But at the same time, the jokes must accept that not everyone finds their joke great.
It’s got two sides.
Thank you. So it actually means that those affected are triggered by what is actually for other beautiful.
But you can’t ask that no one can proudly show his test or abdomen anymore? At the beginning, the affected people don’t know that it’s just a stupid joke. So, actually, the person concerned has to work on himself and do not demand that the whole world be respected or ?
I’m not talking about deliberately hurting or something.
The statement, the talk, see a pregnant woman. All that is associated with pregnancy. This can also be sweet little baby in the stroller.
All this can be a trigger for the above persons.
Like someone who is violated by images of such injuries zb is triggered.
That’s right. So is that pregnant in itself the trigger?
I think that as long as you don’t apply the joke directly to those affected, nothing should be involved.
If we’re honest, anyone will always feel kicked at the slips anyway.
That’s exactly what was said there. However, this topic has been repeatedly compared with illness and disability, etc. But a pregnancy is something nice, even if it’s not real. At first you think it’s like that. What’s the hurting part of this joke?
Some interpret this as a “make fun about pregnancy.”
But I tend to be your opinion… just because you have a problem with a subject, you shouldn’t necessarily make it a problem for everyone else.
I haven’t seen it yet with the lust about it, but that’s pretty far brought or?
It would be more annoying than hurt me, both of them are affected. Such people can then not be taken seriously, but really interested does not me
I don’t think it’s funny, and I don’t know why you should do that. However, there are probably quite people who find it funny and I think you should leave this fun.
Modern rummy for nothing and nothing again.
So you think it’s exaggerated?
My opinion is that it is excessive, yes.