Aprilia 125ccm springt obwohl nagel neu warum?


mein kleiner Bruder hat heute seine Aprilia bekommen und wollte sie mir dann vorführen. Problem dabei sie geht nich an…Mltorkontrollleuchte und Öllämpchen leuchten dauerhaft die ABS Lampe blinkt. Da ich absolut keine Ahnung von Motorrädern habe da ich eher der Autotyp bin wollte ich einfach mal fragen ob jemand weis was das Problem sein könnte. Das Motorrad ist nagelneu und mein Bruder ist am verzweifeln.

Vielen Dank im vorraus

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6 years ago

The lights are on until you start the first 5 kmh, so it’s normal. I’d look at your place if the emergency is out, you have folded in the stand, in idle since and the clutch has pulled. If you take care of everything and don’t jump on it, I would expand the battery and load something if it’s on the battery, but if you press the e-starter at least hear something, the battery should also turn the engine a bit with weak power.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymertype

P.S. may I ask which dealer you are?

6 years ago

A gang and side stand outside? Then she won’t jump.

There are also models in which one has to pull the clutch so that it “loss” – even when the idling is inside.

Best regards


6 years ago

How would it be to consult the manual once?

Emergency switch active?
Side stand out?
Do not pull coupling?
Gang inlaid?

But these are all things that concern every motorcycle, actually you should know the starting procedure from the driving school.

6 years ago

march to the seller who sold the motorcycle and a refurbishment obligation