Apple Vorgang läuft?
Guten Tag,
ich hatte das iPhone 16 Pro Max bestellt vor einer Woche. Bei Apple jedoch steht seitdem: Vorgang läuft. Meine Frage: wurde es schon genehmigt? Da ich mit Apple Pay bezahlt habe.
LG an gutefrage schlaue Mitglieder
Guten Tag,
ich hatte das iPhone 16 Pro Max bestellt vor einer Woche. Bei Apple jedoch steht seitdem: Vorgang läuft. Meine Frage: wurde es schon genehmigt? Da ich mit Apple Pay bezahlt habe.
LG an gutefrage schlaue Mitglieder
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Ich habe mir ein iPhone gakauft. Fehlt nur noch die Hülle. Die frage. Welche Farbe?
Bei mir wird der Reiter Personen nicht angezeigt ist das ein bug oder so? weil ich würde gerne sehen wo meine Bekannten sind. Weil aufm IPad funktioniert es.
Hallo liebe Community, habe kürzlich diese Nachricht in WhatsApp bekommen. Die Nummer stammt aus Südafrika. Meine Frage ist: Ich bekomme immer wieder diese nervigen Nachrichten. Wisst ihr vielleicht wie man diese Nachrichten blockiert? Danke im Vorraus! TF3000
Jemand der Erfahrung hat mit Polaroid Kameras bei Konzerten, bitte um Erfahrungsbericht🙏🏻 besonders die Leute, die am 27.06. in Düsseldorf waren
You’ve paid, and you’ll get your fortune. The delivery can take 4-5 weeks. It can also be that the demand is very high. As soon as the device is available and ready for shipping, this status changes.
Okay and could be canceled or is already completed
It can be cancelled until the adoption.
It could always be cancelled, but see no reason for it. You just have to wait for it to be available
That’s not true.
The process is exactly what happens. Once available you will get it. How paid does not matter, is debited only when it has been sent. Can take a few more days.
So it was approved?
What are you going to approve? You order and get merchandise. This is a purchase contract, not a purchase request.
Nobody. But you asked for it. I only replied:-)
Blah blah blah! Now, who’s to use this cliché?
It is an offer to Apple to conclude a purchase contract i. S. v. § 433 BGB. Apple must agree to this offer, which can be done consistently. In the case of an online order, this usually happens with the shipping confirmation, which is not yet present here. It could therefore be argued that the purchase agreement has not yet been concluded.
Of course it’s a purchase contract, what else?
Strictly speaking, it is actually a purchase request.
No, buying a device is not a mobile phone contract. But maybe they’re dying because you’re not full-year?
Why would they cancel the order? They want to sell things, not cancel.
Then why should Apple cancel the order? If your account is covered that are happy about the 1500-2000€ so that shareholders do not run amok in January when the return is not true
I have bought total so with apple pay paid via my bank account
So I’ve never got an order canceled when I ordered it
And a mobile phone contract is a term contract for usually two years, and if here the Schufa is shot across, it is not approved
Now is the counter question: did you buy the device for total payment or for purchase? Because with the latter, the previous paragraph would come into force, but you can only know that as a rate payment goes ahead of an order
Isn’t that as well as handy contract sometimes goes wrong
Why would Apple cancel an order? Unless your account is not sufficiently covered
My question is if it has worked out not the handy later is canceled at apple I ask:)
No, he’s running. It’s through when you have the goods.
Ahso is at apple so when you have ordered and completed it by the order