Apple financing/installment payments?


Since the new iPhones are being released in a month, and I've been using my current phone for several years now, I wanted to ask about Apple's installment plans. I'm not really familiar with finances and such things, as I only recently turned 18. Could I finance it using my regular bank account, for example, or would I need a credit card? I'm not working at the moment, which means I don't earn any money, so I don't really have much money either—an average of €150. Would this still work, in terms of approval?

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2 years ago

Without income, you will probably not find a provider (Apple, Mediamarkt, Saturn, etc) that grants you a rate purchase for iPhone. You could at most book it via your mobile phone provider during a contract conclusion or an extension.

2 years ago
Reply to  Markus735

Theoretically, you would develop the necessary Budeget if you earned the 450€ per month for 3.5 months.

2 years ago
Reply to  Markus735

Normally, a sufficiently high income is assumed for a loan, while many want to see a fixed job. Only with a new minijob and still in the trial period you are not very creditworthy. Probably your parents will have to let the rat purchase go.

2 years ago

It depends. For amounts below €1,500, some traders who offer rate payment purchases do not require proof of income, but check other criteria (ages, Schufa entries, etc.).

Your intention is definitely not meaningful. Taking a loan for a luxury item without having money and income is simply unreasonable. You can also make the money and buy the IPhone as soon as you have the sum on the account.

2 years ago

Without income, no financing, there’s only cash purchase.

You can go to work, people are currently being searched everywhere, so you’ll find what if you’re not too lazy or too stupid to work.

2 years ago

Without income, fortunately for you, nothing will happen. Why do you want a mobile phone for 1000+€ at almost no income.
That would be the beginning of the debt spiral.