Applaus nach der Landung?
Wenn ja warum klatscht ihr oder warum nicht nach einer Landung am Flughafen?
Wenn ja warum klatscht ihr oder warum nicht nach einer Landung am Flughafen?
Damit meine ich grönländische Flughäfen wie z. B. Ilulissat, Qaarsuarsuit, Kangerlussuaq oder Sisimiut. Bei den einsamen Flughäfen sind keine Häuser in der Nähe, und da kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass da rund um die Uhr Personal Vorort ist. Oder doch? Danke im voraus
Hallo, warum hat das Feuer an Flug 4590 die Concorde so schnell zum Kontrollverlust und zum Absturz gebracht? Es gab Flugzeuge die hatten fast 10min ein Feuer an Board und erst dann kam der Kontrollverlust. LG
Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, Kroatien, Türkei, Niederlande
Deutschland, Österreich und Ungarn, die für den Ausbruch des Krieges verantwortlich gemacht wurden, wurden von den europäischen Siegermächten (Frankreich, Großbritannien, USA) hart bestraft [Reparationen (=Entschädigungszahlungen), komplette Auslieferung der ??????, Gebietsverluste] um einen erneuten Angriff dieser Länder zu verhindern. was sollte eurer meinung nach statt dem ? hin ich hätte an Armee,Waffen,Handelsflotte..gedacht aber vielleicht ist ja…
Wir wollen fliegen gehen doch da steht Vielfliegernummer bitte wählen sie was bedeutet das?
I don’t care if I get to work in the morning or did anything there. I think that’s silly.
Why should I clap?
I don’t get any applause when I packed the truck backwards.
This is a relic from past days and therefore still partly to be observed in holiday planes. On line where many people are sitting the more often flying is no longer clapped and even on holiday flyers this is not particularly good. 1. Do not hear the pilots in the cockpit anyway, and 2. it comes to them as if they had not given them the landing.
Previously, the pilots have landed themselves…today the majority of technology (if I know). Surely the person lands himself and she always has to see if everything goes smoothly and so, but I don’t clap if my mum makes me a soup.
So if you notice/know that it was difficult conditions or it was really a gentle landing, then I’ll clap. Otherwise I just say thank you to the crew. I think that’s okay.
Well, it’s usually like the whole plane’s stealing, that’s what you’re talking about.
Besides, I think it’s not just for landing, but rather for the whole flight.
LG LenyDieMango 🤗
I’m a frequent flyer and I used to be a pilot. Why should you sneak after landing? First, the pilot doesn’t hear that and secondly, landings are his job. You don’t sound when a bus arrives at the bus stop
The pilot hears that.
How can he hear that? Looks like you’ve never been in a cockpit when the door was closed and the engines were running. Under these conditions, the pilot wouldn’t even get any of this if someone were gonna roar in the cabin.
Well, if a pilot in this subject doesn’t know who?
Okay. It was a bit quick from me. Seems to know you better.
Since I’ve never been a plane passenger, I’ll get away.
But I hope that the gossips will be on bus trips every time “A high on our bus driver!” if they arrive and leave the destination intact.
If the waitress successfully puts me a beer without spilling, I don’t clap.
On holiday flights I could always observe this. I don’t know if I did this one or the other time.
I think I only experienced it once, twice a year ago, on holiday flights.
All the other scheduled flights I’ve never seen.
I’m not smiling at the train driver or bus driver either.
Except if it was really very special as yesterday. The pilot has done a lot because of the storm.(Have seen the livecam from London Airport)
At the airport? Normally. In the Hudson it looked different.
I thank God that I have landed safely, clapping is superfluous.
Because I am grateful that I arrived safely and the plane has not crashed
That’s even their job if you’re so afraid of making a guide ticket and driving to your holiday destination
okey but I certainly don’t drive to Egypt by car and what is so badly grateful about it? And no one said anything of fear only that I’m glad they didn’t get their job.
I’ve never seen anyone who does that
For holiday flights so far always
Neither as a passenger nor as a pilot 😛 We do not hear the bald eh;)
I think you should sneak the passengers’ applause. For the courage to come along 😉
And above all that they have remained until the end;)
They all stayed? Isn’t nobody smoking him?
I’ve been flying a hundred times. But no one is stealing.
Maybe this is so common on charter flights? I’m always on my way with scheduled flights.
Most often the holiday planes (Condor, TUIfly) get the applause
I thought.
About the successful landing. You always come down – but how?
No, I think that’s all right.
I’m clapping with every little thing
But also only me and my brother 😅 we somehow got used to this haha
Everybody’s blaming himself so well he can!
I think it’s embarrassing. They’re just doing their job. I’m glad it doesn’t happen on line flights.
Next, someone steals in the canteen when the plate is filled
there’s only something like that in charter planes to party destinations.
When I first saw this, I thought I was in the wrong movie…
I’ve already had landings that were quite exciting and I’m looking for an applause.
If it was harder, yes.
The gossip is more one thing in the tourist planes.
No one steals in normal line flights.
That would mean, if you weren’t stealing, you’d be jacked.
I clap when the others clap.
Highest stewardess on the butt, hehe.
This is not correct now!
It hostess flight attendant (Flight attententend)…lol
A terrible habit…
I don’t know
It is mainly in tourist bombers. The (underswelling) fear is shaken off.
I’m sure I don’t clap for the cockpit to do what they’re paying for. You’ll never see the gossip in business flights.
I’m also claping to Corona syringe…
My boss doesn’t steal when I do my job.
Always easy to respect
Our son is a pilot and it has absolutely nothing to do with respect.
This is a pilot’s job.
It’s just embarrassing.
What’s embarrassing. I’d be happy about such a gesture.
Then it was ironic. I also know the question of the pilot to the cabin crew: do they go or are they still staring at fear?
That would give one the feeling that it would be a miracle that you survived I wouldn’t be happy because it would make me feel that it’s a miracle that I brought us safe….
I don’t think about these
This seems more different than if the safe landing would be something extraordinary
Doesn’t that have anything to do with it?
Why shouldn’t the pilots be happy? This shows respect and gratitude for the safe flight.
Surely not!
It’s only unpleasant to flyers!
No one steals when the flight attendant serves the food.
That’s not true. So in front of all pilots of holiday planes are happy when the passengers clap. Have seen videos where pilots have asked when the applause finally comes.
All right
I can assure you that pilots are not happy about this gesture!