Appetitlosigkeit durch Nervosität/Stress/Aufregung?

Seit einigen Tagen bin ich sehr sehr angespannt, nervös etc., wg privaten Gründen. Aber im Normalfall habe ich immer Hunger und Appetit, egal ob ich glücklich/unglücklich oder sogar ein Trauerfall habe.

Ich möchte irgendwie nichts essen, aber fühle mich durch die Kopfschmerzen, die ich dadurch bekomme mich gezwungen, was zu essen. (Wobei die Kopfschmerzen können auch durch mein Stress sein, habe eh Migräne). Heute war es nur etwas Müsli und ein Apfel was ich gegessen habe. Sehr sehr wenig und ungewöhnlich für meine Verhältnisse.

Hattet ihr auch schon mal sowas gehabt?

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2 years ago

🙂 Salamu Aleykum Sister, (:

yes, sometimes I had also had such phases where I had no appetite and had no bock, what to eat due to nervousness/stress/excitation

Can I remember well when I was quite stressed about my exams and was quite excited about more than a month ago… could neither eat nor sleep properly

Also, if I’m really sad and unhappy, which happened almost two months ago… at that time I was pretty tired and sad about one thing, got a lot of wounded and wanted to be alone all the time…naja, these were quite difficult times for me, to which I would like to reconsider, as I immediately mute, thoughtful and sad at thought:(

Nurse, every person has phases where he is unhappy and deeply sad and may want his rest…and that is completely normal

But in such situations you should not overdo it and try to eat enough and drink enough, especially water and you should definitely pay attention to yourself and your body

Try to start eating in small steps, because only so will you get rid of your appetite in Sha Allah

Your body needs a good, sufficient diet, which means that you also care for yourself independently, because only you know your body best and know best what your body needs and what not

Please don’t stress (I know each of us has about private things or Reasons a bit of problems, but one has to overcome), one has to try to reduce stress; eats enough, especially healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, of course also sufficient meat, fish, rice…etc..

Chocolate is suitable for us women at first, haha :)…a piece per day should be enough…as you know, chocolate makes us happy, especially in difficult situations like now with you

Please Allah Sw – your Creator, my Creator and the Creator of the world’s dwellers – for help, make a lot of Duaaa/Please pray.

Allah swt says in his holy scripture -Quran Al-Karim-:

“Everyone we pray and we ask you for help.”

(Sura Al-Fatiha/Ayah 5)

“If my servants ask you for Me, I am close, and I hear the call of the caller when he calls Me. They shall now listen to Me, and they shall believe in Me, that they show a right change.”

(Sura Al-Baqarah/Ayah 186)

May Allah swt you to facilitate all that you want and only to write to you the best; may Allah command you and every caller to fulfil his request; may Allah be forgiven all our sins and let us all enter the Firdaus Al-Aala without account, Allahumma Amin ya Rabb Alalamin

2 years ago
Reply to  7veren

All of us, Allahumma Amin ya Rabb Alalamin

Very happy, sister 🙂 <3

2 years ago

Often it’s because of a weird feeling I feel all the time.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s what I always have. This comes because the brain is sometimes busy with the pain or sadness, so that this feeling of appetite does not happen or only once you eat something again. This is also the reason why one often has no appetite for diseases.