App erstellen?
Würde gerne eine App erstellen, so ähnlich wie Goodnotes nur halt für Android.
Habe keinerlei Erfahrung, würde mich trotzdem daran versuchen wollen.
Wie könnte ich das am besten machen? Wo fange ich da an. Gibt es ein Programm das man kaufen kann, wo man so eine App erstellt? Hat jemand schon gute Erfahrungen mit einem von diesen Programmen?
It would go with Flutter and Dart’s programming language.
I would recommend you to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and then somehow React Native or something.
I just advise you to learn a programming language. I find any construction boxes or other programs too restricted. In addition, if you learn to program correctly (I don’t mean Binary basic), you can develop everything possible and let your creativity run free.
You have to be noble. Only understand how such a program is built and know the syntax.
Would either use C++ or C# for it.
There are goodnotes for Android.
F in the chat and thus puff your idea.
Well, you can’t do anything.
I would start with C#, Lad dir Studio Code and create some Windows Forms programs. Create an alarm clock, notes app, and then you can learn to watch it again!
Take Dart