Apfelunverträglichkeit was tun?

Was kann ich dagegen tun? Ich konnte als Kind jeden Tag äpfel essen und nix ist passiert, irgendwann fing es an, dass ich nach dem Verzehr Bauchkrämpfe bekommen habe und schnell zur Toilette gehen musste.

Da ich diese liebe möche ich wissen, ob ihr irgendwas vor dem Verzehr schlucken kann, damit ich unbedenklich einen Apfel essen kann.

Mein Hausarzt meint nur: verzichten

So wie ich auch proteine nicht abkann, obwohl der körper diese ja braucht. Da meint er auch einfach verzichten💀 also so pralle ist mein Hausarzt wohl nicht😅

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9 months ago

You can only try. One way would be to resort to old apples. There are some. For example, I only think of the boscope.

Another possibility would be to make apples themselves (preferably from the old varieties). It’s not that crisp, but you have the taste. But that can also go wrong.

Otherwise, your doctor is completely right. Your body tells you that he doesn’t want this apple by answering with diarrhea. There’s nothing to do with it!

I’m sick of Crohn’s disease in 2021, and I’m sick of it as a medical extreme. For over a year I have only been eating meat, inns, fish and caviar as I otherwise get the most severe complaints where something like diarrhea would be my least problem. So you can give up the apple easily. Believe me.

9 months ago

Maybe you buy sprayed/sprayed apples…

Try regional from your environment – untreated.

Good luck!

9 months ago

I myself also have an apple allergy. This is noticeable by strong itching in the neck and is difficult to hold. I have to cough to scratch the itching. So I forgot apples for years.

The polyphenols were bred from many apples so that the sliced apple does not get brown as fast as it was. These breeds result in many people no longer tolerate them.

Some old apples like the Boscope are well tolerated by allergy sufferers.

Also the following apple varieties are allergicfriendly:

  • Gravensteiner
  • Finkenwerder Herbstprinz
  • Topaz
  • Santana
  • Rubinola

I don’t get imported apples. Just mentioned above.

Whether your abdominal cramps are triggered by an apple allergy is put away. I can’t answer that.

If you also get abdominal cramps in the varieties mentioned above, then it could be another cause.
Did you eat anything else or what did you drink?
Do you have very strong stress and so on?

Try cautiously a cracky apple after the other from above. But don’t leave for long!

But in June there is no apple season. The apples from last year are quite soft or even mild. Wait a few more months for the new harvest 🙂

9 months ago

It could be that you can still eat apples.

Some old varieties, which become fast brown when cutting, are less allergenic.

JAKOB LEBEL would be such an old variety.

You could try it.

9 months ago

Who doesn’t love his toilet – to a certain degree.

Just listen to your doctor! Allergies come unworn, rarely swallowed them again.

Maybe “old varieties” are better. Buying the apples that are welded into plastic foil nowadays is not only expensive, often even tasteless.

Good luck!

9 months ago
Reply to  hoermirzu

Renette, prince, clapfel(sometimes ripe), boskoop, ….

In Styria there were -today for me a little far away – many wonderful spicy fruit meadows, with a lot more varieties, which at that time often, because natural leaves not large, flawless but tasty apples.