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3 years ago

I cannot give advice on the technical and administrative deregulation of a 25 km/h Ape. But you should know that an unthrottled Ape 50 does not reach 45 km/h. The vehicle is indicated at a maximum speed of 38 km/h.

2 years ago

You need to make sure that the Ape is already throttled at work. Then you need to swap the gear, because the 4th floor is missing.

But if the Ape was only throttled by the previous owner (if it is a used vehicle), you can simply expand the throttle.

3 years ago

The 45 km/h must be removed from the TÜV and the papers must be corrected afterwards.

3 years ago

You need to mount the 45 Ape gear to get it faster. You then need a different license and a new driver’s license (no Mofa driver license).

3 years ago
Reply to  ixXdiebXxi

I had a 45s ape and I was told that the 25 km/h version would have only 3 instead of 4 gears.