Anzeige wegen fake account in insta?
Also ich Habe ein maedchen gefolgt auf insta mit einem bild das ich Von ihrer freundins insta seite genommen hab Habe das dann als profil bild gemacht drauf hin meinte sie anzeige ist raus Identitaets diebstahl, wohne zisch kilometer entfernt Von ihr sie Weiss auch nicht Wer ich bin hab den acc gelöscht muss ich da was erwarten?
might be that there is something to be expected because your data is stored on Insta.
Identity claw, maybe if you’ve spent yourself as her.
In any case, she can show you because you have published her picture without consent, which violates the right of personality – and since you do not hate the picture yourself, also violation of the original right.
I don’t understand why you don’t have to put Fake ACC at all, and if the child in the well all have to cry around again, stupidity doesn’t protect from punishment.
I doubt that you’ve shown it at all, so I don’t think so.
But the deletion of the account or the like brings you little. If really determined here and the police court gets the release to know the data to get She who you are and where you are.