Anzeichen auf sw aber Test negativ?
Meine Brüste ziehen, habe vor einigen Tagen immer Mal wieder ein leichtes Ziehen im Unterbauch rechts gehabt und bin nun 5 Tage überfällig aber der Schwangerschaftstest sagt negativ.. Ich hab so langsam ein wenig angst das ich mir die Schmerzen nur einbilde.. kann mir vielleicht irgendwer weiter helfen? (Bin sehr ungeduldig)
Possibly, the ratio of estrogen to testosterone has been confused with you. This would also suit the (strong) hair loss. That would also be a question for your gynecology practice.
But it can be anything else. From thyroid diseases, nutrient deficiency and what-white-I to psyche.
If you’ve been overdue for 5 days, the pregnancy test is meaningful.
From the day your period should come, you can make a pregnancy test (10s). If this is negative, you can trust that you are not pregnant.
You are already at ES+19 here should be positive every test, it is not negative and you are not pregnant.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
PMS, your ovulation was probably later and your period will soon begin.
The test is only reliable 5 days before your next theoretical control bleeding. The doctor only does this test in the normal case. A suction can be done 5 to 10 weeks after reception.
Female doctor helps. “A easy drawing in the understructure” I also have when I have eaten peas soup.
When can you go?
In this short time, a negative pregnancy test is uncommon even if an intact pregnancy exists.