Anwalt wegen blitzer?
Hey Leute,
ich wurde vor kurzem geblitzt auf der Autobahn, da ich das Schild übersehen habe beziehungsweise echt abgelenkt gewesen bin und nicht richtig an den Seiten aufgepasst habe es war 130 und ich war vielleicht mit 170 unterwegs kann es ehrlicherweise nicht richtig einschätzen da die Erinnerung irgendwie in alle richtungen geht ich wollte euch fragen ob ihr schon erfahrung habt mit anwälten und blitzern und ob es sich lohnt dagegen vorzugehen es war kein stationärer blitzer sondern sowas wie ein hellgrauer kasten ich freue mich über hilfreiche antworten und ich weiß man muss immer auf die schilder achten hatte zu dem zeitpunkt zu viel was in meinem kopf war und mich abgelenkt hat naja aus fehlern lernt man ja bekanntlich
You could check if all the formalities were adhered to (order log, calibration, etc.). But this is more of a shock in the fog and usually does nothing.
Then you could take a look at the picture if you’re really clear about it. It should be noted that the quality of the photo in the letter you get is clearly worse than the original photo. So it’s less about the sharpness, it’s more about whether you happen to have seen straight to the side or down, or you just scratched at the forehead, thereby limiting the recognizability.
The correct signs could also be viewed.
But all these are very, very small chances of taking action. As a rule, it won’t lead to anything. Even a lawyer can’t do much more than the one described above.
If the violation cannot be detected, the holder will certainly be charged a paid travel book at this speed exceeding.
A lawyer won’t be able to do anything. You drove too fast and now you have to bear the consequences.
You drove too fast, what exactly do you promise of a lawyer?
You just didn’t take care of yourself. I guess a lawyer can’t do much.
Sure you can try, but it’ll probably be more expensive.
In your last question, it was still nebulous…
Live with the consequences and learn from it.
You drove too fast and you got flashed, pay the fines and is good.
If only the fine is – sounds like possibly driving ban (maybe 40 too much – maybe even 41 after abzuv of tolerance too much…?)
but on the highway outside … do not know me but this is not soooooo dramatic as if you were driving too fast in the place 40 😂
in the trial period – he has the extension and the ASF; since over 21 too fast
Innerots from 31 and out of 41 – in Germany. In Switzerland. How to define “not so dramatic” hold. Accidentally different…
Recently with 60 in the 30 zone, now with 170 at allowed 130.
I’m afraid (not really), there’s no lawyer going to be able to pull around.
ne das mit 60 in the 30s zone was really a colleague with the motorcycle did not have a motorbike licence
You drove too fast and got flashed. Point. The reason is unimportant and a lawyer will not be able to help you
Oversight, distracted, not careful are quite great reasons why you want to go against a flasher.
Right and you should also do that with your contribution in the form of the corresponding penalty.
Be careful the argumentation that is going to go back quickly.
You were distracted and didn’t see the sign?
So who doesn’t want to focus on road traffic or can, you should see critically whether you’re active in driving a vehicle.
of course not at the
can submit an objection to the fact that you would like to have the measurement protocols.
With luck, they didn’t do any and the fall is dropped
Most lawyers for traffic offences can in principle help safely. I’m not sure what to do with you. The legal situation is clear
yes you are still quite thank you
At 170 no time to watch. Please run for 3 months, get your head off.
Perhaps 170 and distracted – dreamlike what is so rolling on the streets – creates a comfortable feeling of security…
you were distracted – you missed the signs.
you were too fast now to bear the consequences. no lawyer gets you out