Antwortet das Finanzamt auf E-Mails (BW)?


Ich habe mein Finanzamt am Montag via E-Mail kontaktiert.

Bisher habe ich keine Rückantwort erhalten und bin mir deshalb nicht so sicher, ob Finanzämter in Baden-Württemberg überhaupt auf E-Mails antworten können, oder ob sie diese nur empfangen können?

Vielleicht hat ja jemand von euch da bereits Erfahrungen mit!

Liebe Grüße

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1 year ago

The FA may only communicate with you via email if you have given explicit permission to do so. Especially when it comes to steue-relevant data. Data protection and tax secret are a massive inhibitory shoe here.

Many workers do this without, but often move on thin ice, so it is quite possible to get a reaction by letter.

1 year ago

Monday? Today is Wednesday!

Suppose the mail had been looked at on Tuesday and forwarded to the responsible office, the worker has just four weeks vacation when he comes back waiting a lot of mail on him… with what do you expect?

Usually, mails should also be answered by the tax office, possibly by letter.

Reliable, but not necessarily faster, is the transmission of messages via Elster.

1 year ago

I answered your question in a short sentence, the penultimate paragraph!

The processors must react to mails as well as to letters. I know from the nineties that this was not always the same. I haven’t had any problems with this for the last few years. But I don’t want to rule out that there are individual workers who just don’t care about it.

Otherwise, I recommend transmission by Elster.

Nevertheless, thanks

What do you mean?

1 year ago

Yes, the financial offices can receive all emails.

However, the answer will usually be made by post due to the data protection and tax secret. For an answer by e-mail, which is an insecure route, you must explicitly agree in writing.

1 year ago

It can take days or weeks until you get an answer. Probably thousands of emails are received daily at the tax office.

1 year ago

If then Per Post. Maybe you’d better call and ask if there was something.