Lack of motivation when exercising?
Due to psychiatric illnesses, I haven't done any sports for 6 years.
I've started going for walks, but I don't have the motivation even for that.
Due to psychiatric illnesses, I haven't done any sports for 6 years.
I've started going for walks, but I don't have the motivation even for that.
And now she's threatening me that I'll go to my father but I don't want that. I'd like to go to a children's home but she says that's not possible. I'm mentally screwed. Thanks in advance, I live in Switzerland. Leo
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I think there are 8
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My many bikes are my life elixir, don’t ask me how many I’ve got into the two-digit area. Some people have just said I need space for my new e-bike, here take the expensive bike for nen Fuffi, just so I have room. I have some great bikes from Kettler or bicycle manufacture and such premium brands here on the farm, it’s as if someone behind you a Mercedes, but so it’s probably at the time, just grab and stay fit
It’s great that you started it!
For small achievements knock themselves on the shoulder.
If you haven’t been walking for the last few years and didn’t do anything, it’s a significant increase when you walk. What’s great!
Motivation depends on many factors, among others, whether we enjoy the activity. It will be 10x eifnacher to overcome for something that is fun – i.e. this factor is important if you choose your sport / if you decide what you want to do in sports terms.
In case of depression, it may be important to perform activities independently of the mood (if they have a positive effect). Even if you don’t like it: as long as you have the positive effect at the end, it’s worth it. That always keeps in mind that you may not like now, but imagine how you feel after it and how you will go after it!
Sporting with the goal of making sports is also tiresome.
Maybe you’ll find someone who comes and you can talk.
Sport in the club also makes more fun than to go to Fitti alone
Maybe find someone who walks with, to two it’s more fun
You have to get in! Patience is very important 😉 Do not give up! Sports is very good for the psyche. Look deep breathing 😤