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6 months ago

So prescription drugs are definitely there, which help. Examples would be antidepressants, which are driving and mood brightening.

Especially for the drive there is no idea if there is something, but with medicines or even antidepressants you have to be careful.

If you’re powerless, you can go to your family doctor and discuss this and maybe he has an idea what you can do about it.

Being driveless is also normal so everyone has only when it comes to you often or often and throughout, you should always go to the doctor to see where it comes from and what you can do about it.

6 months ago
Reply to  Widerstand2006

Medicines such as antidepressants have many side effects that can occur in one. Drivelessness and mood can also become much worse at the beginning before it gets better. After the settling it is also possible to have partial withdrawal phenomena or settling symptoms. Because of this, such drugs should be the last option if everything else does not work anymore.

Maybe look for another pediatrician, because two years aren’t very little. Or even after a therapy place, you can best watch a paychiater, which can also prescribe medicines, then you could also have a good advice, depending on the situation.

6 months ago

Maybe try to do it on a day and if it doesn’t work, the next day. I know it’s hard to get you too much pressure. You can try it and that again and again, at some point it will definitely work out and if you can get it out, you don’t have to clean it out immediately.

6 months ago

You might also try to clean up gradually, even if you only clear one thing on a day and then a week again. If it doesn’t work, it’ll work the next time. If it doesn’t work, it’s just like you’re gonna make it safe.

6 months ago

I don’t know about it, but if you think it could help you try it out.

6 months ago

Unfortunately, I don’t know, but basically you’ll believe more tired and quieter than somehow motivated things to do or something else.

6 months ago

It’s normal sometimes to feel powerless, don’t worry about it. It helps me to remember what goals I have and what is important to me in life. As long as you focus on these things, you’re right.

6 months ago
Reply to  Widerstand2006

What do you mean?

6 months ago

If nothing helps, I advise you to get help from experts.

6 months ago

I’m sorry, everyone’s different.

It seems you’re a targeted person and you’re dealing with your feelings, that’s great!

Try to be friendly to you and allow you not always to be perfect or productive. Accept that it’s okay sometimes to feel bad. Try to avoid comparison with others.

Regular movement, even if it’s just a walk, can help to get the head free and get the cycle in motion. Physical activity can improve mood and bring back energy.

They are often the little things that make it. Hold on to being a good person!

6 months ago

I can partially understand. I was also unhappy for a longer time, it helped me change the environment and try other things. Finding things that you have pleasure, meet new people. That can help.

6 months ago

Unfortunately not digga