Antidepressiva ohne Gewichtszunahme?

Diese besagte Nebenwirkung will ich nicht haben . Deswegen habe ich mein verschriebenes Paroxetin nicht genommen weil es bekannt dafür ist eine Gewichtszunahme herbeizuführen. Habe diese Woche wieder einen Termin beim Psychiater. Welche antidepressiva gibt es ohne diese Nebenwirkung. Mein Horror wäre heftig an Gewicht zu Zunehmen

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2 years ago

Weight gain is a side effect of any antidepressant, which is due to the fact that one eats less frequently because of depression and when one gets better mentally, one eats more normally.

2 years ago

Paroxetin did not take much and the side effects go away after 2 weeks, which has a good effect also has side effects.

There are quite different antidepressants that make this really thick but not?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mamue1968

You have only increased hunger but the drug itself does not make fat.

2 years ago

You should not put conditions on your medication.

You got it because you’re not good, why always.

There is the possibility of weight gain, as well as weight loss.

If weight gain could be such a big problem for you,

you may not be able to buy this yet.

2 years ago

Yes in many psychopharmacists, you have a strong weight gain. I wouldn’t want to, and that’s why I wouldn’t take the drug. You are able to ask a question here and this is also in a reasonable grammar of so I think you do not have a very strong depression. Can you try it without a drug?

The psychopharmacists are prescribed so quickly and have so strong side effects on the organism.

So if you get everyday life regulated even without medication, you shouldn’t take it because it hurts you more than it helps.

And you don’t always have to laugh and be good at it that’s not the sense of antidepressants.

There are simply people who are less laughing and more serious and not extroverted. This is your personality and has nothing to do with depression. Just to call an example.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael941

This does not concern you now. It is already very ill and in need of treatment and will never be able to withstand the benzo withdrawal without these drugs.

2 years ago

I am dependent on alprazolam

So with 5 htp, it’s not a joke.

2 years ago

Weight gain is always a possible side effect in antidepressants, but that means that it does not get everyone

2 years ago

From the tablets you do not take, only from too many calories. With antidepressants you consume less calories and your appetite is increased.

2 years ago

not taking prescribed medication is of course not a good idea. I didn’t even increase to several AD.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annabella1314

That’s why you seem so controlled.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annabella1314

Don’t think about putting down before you even started.

2 years ago

Your decision.