Antidepressiva kickt?
Hi, ich nehme seit nem Jahr circa wieder Antidepressiva wegen Depressionen und einer Angststörung. Es hat die ganze Zeit nur son bisschen Verbesserung gegeben. Aber in Letzter Zeit fühle ich mich manchmal so Energiegeladen, als könnte ich gleich aufspringen und einen Marathon laufen. Is das normal?
After a year, the effect of antidepressants does not change anymore. It takes a few weeks until the effect can fully develop, but then it remains in the same way. Until then, relieved symptoms remain alleviated, until then unspoiled symptoms remain unaffected.
What can be natural, however, is that the disease has subsided and has become easier and thus has improved the symptomism. Depression is always expressed in a depressive episode and in the nature of an episode that it is finally. I think this is more likely than the antidepressant has developed a stronger effect after a year.
Hmm vllt is the dosis too high.