Antidepressiva absetzen?
Hallo, ich nehme seit guten 3 Wochen fluoxetin (antidepressiva). In der ersten Woche waren es 10mg, jetzt 20g. Gestern habe ich sie bewusst nicht genommen und möchte sie auch nicht mehr nehmen. Da große Störungen mit meiner Libido bekommen habe. Mein Psychiater meinte ich soll es dann runterdosieren, erst 10mg und dann Nix. Ich habe die aber jetzt von heute auf morgen einfach nicht mehr genommen (20mg).
ist das schlimm?
You’ve taken 20mg for two weeks. Now your body suddenly doesn’t have the middle anymore. It may be a problem. The longer you took, the stronger it could be a problem.
The drug level in the blood is now slowly decreasing. It can be that the problems will still arise due to the too fast settling, although you do not feel them now.
Yeah, that’s very stupid. In the package leaflet, why. You complain about the side effects but risk a lot more violent with the abrupt drop.
I also find the increase from 10 to 20 too short. I always had to increase in 5 steps, build up the mirror, wait to see if it helps and if I get clear with the side effects, if not sinking back in 5 steps, wait to rebuild the next preparation in 5 steps. Yes, this is an annoying process, but you want to achieve a certain effect and you don’t get it when you use it wrong.
Yeah, because you shouldn’t just drop drugs like antidepressants cold. Things do not only work on your brain, but also on your cycle, etc.
Yes, that’s bad. You can’t put the medicines yourself off
Yeah, just sit down is not good! Don’t do anything like you said.
That’s totally stupid. You’ll probably get withdrawal symptoms. I’ve had it too, and I’ve sneaked it out slowly, unlike you.
Libido is not the most important thing now. Make it as slow as possible. Your brain isn’t clear.
Antidepressants must not be abruptly dismantled into self-response, but must be slowly peeled out under medical control. The dosage is minimized over a longer period of time, i.e. the antidepressant is metered down.
Promise with your doctor
Your psychiatrist doesn’t mean slow down for nothing. No one can see how your body reacts to rapid settling.
The dose is so low that you can drop it as the psychiatrist said.
The recommended daily dose of fluoxetin is 20 mg.
Antidepressants must not be discontinued abruptly, but must be slowly peeled out under medical control, i.e. a dispensation over a longer period of time. If an antidepressant is abruptly depressed, withdrawal phenomena may occur and the risk of a relapse > Rezidiv of symptom is increased.