Antibiotikaeinnahme 48 Stunden nach Pille danach?


am Samstag Abend habe ich aufgrund einer Verhütungspanne in der Nacht von Fr. auf Sa. die Pille danach eingenommen. Nun bin ich an einer Mandelentzündung erkrankt und muss ab heute für ein paar Tage Antibiotikum einnehmen. Es ist ja allgemein bekannt, dass sich dies nicht so gut verträgt. Ich habe bei Google allerdings keine Antwort gefunden, die auf diesen speziellen Fall passt. Kann die Wirkung der Pille danach durch das Antibiotikum so „spät“ nach der Einnahme (gute 48 Stunden später) noch beeinflusst werden?

Danke euch!

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2 years ago


Hello…, your question asked here can not be answered by a laugh, at best “artificial intelligence” like Google at all… ;))

But for that very well, very fast and very safe from your own mind.

In the time sequence you described – WHY Should your medical emergency prevention be influenced in any way at a time when you had not even thought of a (very much later) antibiotic use??? 🙂

Consequently, you should very much thank , who had given the right answer here with only one word.

Note: In general In any case, we do not have to tremble pill users for a long time, that normal, common and most prescribed antibiotics reduce our prevention protection per se. This is only “Old School” and has long since been unambiguously refuted by several scientific studies. ON rifampicin (a very strong AB which is given, for example, in meningitis, leprosy or tuberculosis) impairs -probably – the safety of oral contraceptives ( pill). I had already published this in the past several times with reference and with reference to the literature.

To summarize your question, it means that you are in the green area. – Many greetings, Imke =)

2 years ago
