Antibiotika nicht nehmen?

Ich war gestern beim Bereitschaftsdienst im Krankenhaus um meinen Husten abklären zu lassen. Der Arzt meinte ich hätte eine akute Bronchitis und hat mir Antibiotika verschrieben. In der Apotheke wurde mir dann noch ein Mittel zum Aufbau der Darmflora empfohlen, da dieses Antibiotika (oder generell alle?) den Darm stark angreifen würde. Das hat mich etwas stutzig gemacht. Auch, als ich dann die möglichen Nebenwirkungen in der Packungsbeilage gelesen hab. Darüber hinaus hab ich mich dann im Internet ein bisschen informiert, über dieses Antibiotikum und den Einsatz bei Atemwegsinfektionen und 90% aller Beiträge haben davon abgeraten, Antibiotika einzusetzen, da es nicht erwiesen ist, ob es überhaupt hilft, und weil die Nebenwirkungen teilweise so stark sind, dass der Schafen größer ist als der Nutzen. Eine Tablette hab ich gestern Abend genommen, aber mittlerweile bin ich echt am zweifeln. Soll ich es nehmen, oder einfach abwarten?

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1 year ago

The doctor stopped you. We don’t.

There is no antibiotic. So please.

Pharmacists also want to sell **.

I’ve never taken a means to *rebuild the intestine* when I got an antibiotic. Also not during a hospital stay.

1 year ago
Reply to  DeernVomDienst

It makes sense!

1 year ago
Reply to  iQhaenschenkl

Maybe. I never needed it.

1 year ago

An antibiotic is only helpful when bacteria are involved in the infection. More often, viruses are responsible for bronchitis, but as it is with you, you can certainly not notice about the internet. If you get prescribed an antibiotic, the doctor will probably have the suspicion that it is bacterial.

Yeah, it can have side effects, but that’s pretty much all the drugs. That’s why the build-up agent for the intestine.

Either you trust the doctor now or leave it. Of course you can ask your family doctor for his opinion tomorrow.

1 year ago

I’m honest with you: I’d take antibiotics. The drug is a very well-known drug for the treatment of acute bronchitis. Side effects have been found as experienced, but not too bad, as far as I have just read in. Generally, you can realize that everything that has an effect also has a side effect. It’s like Ibuprofen. So take the drug and don’t worry.

However, if you decide what I can understand well, you don’t have to worry too much. In most cases, even an acute bronchitis without treatment is gone after a few days at the latest weeks. The only advantage with medication is that you are going to be much faster. Sure, there may be major problems if you don’t listen to your doctor… but that’s probably even clear to you. The question is just how likely it is. But before I go to the doctor with my not yet completed studies, please do so with your own doctor. You don’t want to be handicapt for the rest of your life. Now you know the facts… the decision is with you.

Good improvement

1 year ago

80% of all bronchitis are bacterial infections where an antibiotic helps well.

In combination with the build-up agent for the intestinal flora, this is all quite OK.

If you leave a leaflet, you can’t take any medication at all.🤷 So it is basically an intervention in the body!

The consequence of non-treated bronchitis can be pneumonia. And they really kill you, they can even end fatal!

1 year ago
Reply to  iQhaenschenkl

But how likely is this pneumonia please and how likely it will die? I mean even a small cut with paper can lead to infection and thus to death. But we want to remain realistic. Of course you’re right, but that’s a little too drastic or not?

1 year ago

Unfortunately, this is not so rare. Of course, these patients must be pre-damaged, or old, but we do not know the questioner.

1 year ago

Even a secretary of AOK has statistics about it!

You drill a very thin board!

In your second comment, even admit that you didn’t know about it. 🤷

1 year ago

Yeah, wow, you did your comment. I didn’t see the last sentence. “You work in the health system.” I’ll laugh. Secretaries at AOK also work in the health system. If you feel better now, that’s great for you. You pretend you’re standing over me and trying to insult me by saying that I’m just supposed to do my state exams to talk to you. But you yourself are only dental technicians in any practice. Are you even studying for that? Unfortunately, it was not enough for the dentist or the right doctor. You know, if I had an internship in a dental practice now, you would have to assist me as a dental technician.

But seriously, how many cases of acute bronchitis have you seen before. Not too many. I’m just a couple of myself, so we just leave the decision to the FS and your doctor before the FS gets other complaints due to our half knowledge.

The Duskussion is over for me. I wish you a nice day. Another comment will no longer come from me.


1 year ago

I wrote something to the medical student!

I also work as a health system.

1 year ago

Why so aggressive? Read my answer to the FS: I also advised her to take the drug. What the FS wanted is a pro contrast comparison. And that your wife is a doctor is not proof that what you write is hand and foot. Just because my father’s a prosecutor, I don’t know the law now. By the way, I am a medical student and therefore think to know what I write. Of course, acute bronchitis is not small, so please take it! But the drug is also not small. Nevertheless, in order to end the discussion, I strongly advise the FS to take the medicine again. Why do you go to the doctor and don’t listen to him?

1 year ago

A bronchitis is not small!

Don’t try to discredit me so cheaply here. I have more than 60 years of life experience and my doctor shares with me table and bed!

If you do your state exams and the doctor’s exam, we’ll talk again!

1 year ago

So you’re taking a little headache you’ve got medication? And if you have your days exactly like that? Then you will die with mid 30. The body and its immune system must learn to combat diseases even without drugs. Drugs can only be the last remedy. If she actually gets a pneumonia then she should definitely take medication. But at the moment, that would be totally exaggerated what you’re writing.

1 year ago

I just showed what could happen. By the way, a chronic bronchitis/asthma can also develop therefrom. Then you have to fight your rest of your life!

1 year ago

Okay, I didn’t know that. But I looked at a few other questions of the FS and conclude that she is female and 24. If she had pre-disorders, she would probably have told her doctor and also us

1 year ago

If you want to get rid of your bronchitis, you should take the AB.

Otherwise, the way to your HA will remain open tomorrow….

And why do you have to go to the standby service? You probably haven’t had bronchitis since yesterday…….

1 year ago
Reply to  isosch1034

Then make an appointment tomorrow at the HA or go to the Akutsprechhour in the morning.-