Antibiotika nehmen während der Pillenpause und davor sex gehabt, kann noch was passieren?
Ich hab gestern die letze Pille genommen und mache jetzt 7 Tage Pause, hatte am Mittwoch sex (nur mit pille verhütet), und habe gewartet bis ich das antibiotika nehme da ich angst hatte dass ich direkt nach der antibiotika einnahme schwanger werden kann (da sperma länger in der gebärmutter bleiben kann). Besteht da jetzt noch das risiko? und wie lange sollte ich nach dem antibiotika mit kondom verhüten? Das ich es dann jetzt tun sollte ist mir klar.
If the antibiotic really impairs the protection (if you get out of the supplemental leaflet of the antibiotic, you are under interactions) then you are no longer protected. However, you must additionally prevent the next 7 days of taking pills after the antibiotic has been removed.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Not every antibiotic affects the effect of the pill (you can at best learn from the respective package inserts) and an additional prevention is recommended depending on the individual case.
Because of possible interactions of pill & antibiotics, meaningful research results are still missing (always) as there are a variety of different antibiotics and pills. And not every manufacturer checks all possible preparation combinations for interactions.
For this reason, you should be given to the doctor or pharmacist when the pill and other medicines are taken together – this is not for free in the use information – and then usually gets recommendations for action.
There are studies that see the simultaneous use of pill and antibiotics as safe. However, far more scientific results show that antibiotics and pills interact in the body. According to them, the effect of the pill can be reduced and women can become unintentionally pregnant.
If you want to be safe on number, you should also avoid using condoms during the use of the antibiotic and then until taking 7 drug-containing pills in a row – depending on the week of intake it is better (and faster) to leave the break.
Sexual intercourse before taking an antibiotic is not a risk, according to today’s knowledge. For if the antibiotic should actually influence the effect of the pill, it does not put the contraceptive effects on a blow out of combat.
If the antibiotic is taken exclusively in the take-off period of the pill and then there is no diarrhea, additional prevention is not necessary.
Clinically relevant interactions with oral contraceptives have hitherto been shown only for a few substances, such as antiepileptics, antimicrobial substances, currant preparations and the antiemetic agent aprepitant.
In most cases, the data situation (still) is unclear.
Antibiotics such as penicilline, cephalosporins, tetracycline, neomycin, chloramphenicol, fusidic acid, sulphonamides, nitrofurantoin or metronidazole can cause an interruption of the enterohepatic circulation of the sex steroids by killing the deconjugating intestinal bacteria.
This effect depends on the intestinal flora and the sensitivity of the corresponding intestinal bacteria to the respective antibiotic and therefore difficult to predict in individual cases.
Therefore, the recommendations vary according to source.
German doctor’s leaf: additional prevention during the time of taking the interacting drug and seven days beyond.
The ABDA database is very careful here and recommends: up to the end of the cycle and a week in addition.
The WHO and American and English guidelines do not recommend additional prevention.
Look here too:
Happy for you!
Hey 🥰
So with regard to antibiotics and pills, I was always very cautious…. my female doctor has been very concerned about safety and has always advised me to prevent an entire blister from using condoms, as one could not exclude exactly how long antibiotics remain in the body. Therefore the “radical” precaution.
But apart from the clarity of my female doctor, the following is generally advised. (Source: Pharmacy Survey)
Regarding the risk of getting pregnant now because you had sex before the break, I can’t say so much because I don’t know how regular you take it or whether you take other drugs with interactions. But so much:
If you start taking antibiotics in the second or third week, then leave the pill break and prevent for at least 7 days additionally. You mean you’d start the next blister tonight if yesterday was your last pill. (I think this is the safest version)
But if you are sure that during the blister nothing went wrong, then taking antibiotics during the pill break is not so bad. Since the protection is given for a period of 7 days. It would still be advisable if you were to prevent at least 7 days in addition. (Also during the break) Unless antibiotics are to be taken for more than 7 days.
Does the AB have any interaction with your pill?
My FA has always advised me to prevent a complete cycle in addition.