Antibiotika 5 tage?

Ich habe heute Antibiotika wegen schmerzen beim leerschlucken bekommen. War vor 2 wochen krank. Habe aber immernoch nur beim leerschlucken leichtes brennen, daraufhin hat mein arzt mir Antibiotika verschrieben er meinte kommt drauf an wann es besser wird solltest aber 5-7 Tage einnehmen.

ich fühle mich ja heute eigentlich gut😂 habe nur schmerzen beim leerschlucken die heute schon fast weg sind. Sollte ich dann 5 anstatt 7 tage einnehmen 😂? Der arzt ist mir auch manchmal ahnungslos rübergekommen

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1 year ago

This will probably be azithromycin or something, lindamycin or possibly the standard doxycycline. They are all very well tolerated. There is no reason now not to take 7 days.

Now, please blow on it, otherwise the swallowing pain in the stupidest case could recurrent every few weeks and chronify the infect. The common antibiotics then no longer have to act necessarily.

In my opinion, you can trust the doctor, the treatment is perfect, so the regulation of antibiotics is displayed after your description.

1 year ago

Antibiotics should always be accepted by the end. As soon as the remedy strikes signs of improvement, however, these are based only on the drug level existing in the blood, which inhibits the symptoms. If you listen to the agent, the infection can spread again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew25

As already said, as soon as the antibiotics strike, you feel better, but you are not over the mountain yet. The only thing that has happened now is that the antibiotic gradually defeats the infection. If you stop taking the remedy, the effect will decrease, and if the infection has not been completely gone, it will break out again. That’s why you have to take antibiotics until the last day, no matter how healthy you feel. Only so is guaranteed that the infection is also really

1 year ago

Now you have to ask yourself: can you guarantee that? Do you know how many bacteria you have in circulation? How do you know how infected you are? The answer is, you can’t know. You can only make sure that everything is dead, what is moist and fluffing by taking the stuff as long as the doctor said.

1 year ago

So far, every doctor has told me that I have to end the prescribed antibiotics, sometimes the 5, sometimes 7 or 10 days.

Most probably stop taking those when the complaints get better, which is not good. Then the bacteria recover….

1 year ago

Antibiotics IMMER end up as prescribed, even if the symptoms are already gone!

Otherwise, you’ll get resistance, and then you’ll have the salad that doesn’t help anymore!

1 year ago

Antibiotics are tolerated.

EGAL as you are, EGAL as well as you feel, they are going through as the doctor has said to make sure that the bacteria are really erased as far as possible.

For imagine there are still some… they will multiply again… then in 5 days you have exactly the same problem again… swallow again antibiotics, load the body again… and with a little bit bad the bacteria are then immune to the antibiotics and you can switch to another.

1 year ago

If you don’t want to take it, don’t start with it, but if you want to take it, then until the end

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew25

Now please go through, otherwise it is for the cat and resistances are generated. The next time, the means could have had a significant impact.

Unfortunately, resistances to frequently used antibiotics are spreading around the world, which is favored, among other things, by the fact that some patients have poor compliance, so that the means do not end up, as prescribed. Unfortunately, some antibiotics are already “burned” and you have to resort to less suitable reserve antibiotics.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew25

Pulling through, a tablet does not bring much

1 year ago

If you were sick two weeks ago, but now you still have a sip/rinkache, then I’d be confused if you don’t order antibiotics because that’s according to the textbook.

The first acute infect, which is viral, is antibiotics ineffective, but after two weeks still pharyngitis shows an opportunistic bacterial superinfect. Here antibiotics are used the means of choice and also completely correct. The doctor acted in your best interest. The regulation of antibiotics is the safest way to get the patient fit again as soon as possible. There is no mistake.

Survival could certainly be done without antibiotics, but the procedure of your doctor is without a tadel.

1 year ago

If you don’t trust your doctor, why are you going there?

1 year ago

After a tablet doesn’t happen much, why did you start when you don’t want to finish it anyway?

1 year ago

Should I take 5 instead of 7 days?

No. And there’s nothing to laugh at. Antibioticsaround (Antibiotics= Plural) is more than stupid. Keywords: Antibiotic resistance.

The doctor came over to me sometimes without a clue

And why?

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew25

Do what you want.

1 year ago

Antibiotics when swallowing. Gurgele with salt water and the antibiotic tablets you throw into the garbage bucket. Too much antibiotics are not good either.