Antibabypille für die frau und für denn mann,verschiedene fragen?
Hi, ich habe mehrere unterschiedliche Fragen zu der Antibabypille.
1.Warum verschreibt so gut wie jede/r frauenarzt/in die antibabypille. Mir wurde die mit 13 verschrieben weil ich etwas stärkere Blutungen und Schmerzen hatte(ich hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt kein sex mit männern),als ich das meinem Hausarzt erzählt hatte hat der gesagt das ich sofort aufhören soll. Normale schmerztabletten waren genug. Jede Frau mit der ich mich über frauenarzt Termine unterhalten habe hat schon mindestens einmal die Pille verschrieben bekommen(fast alle waren bei unterschiedlichen Frauenärzten also liegt es nicht an 1 oder 2 bestimmten Ärzten) und das oft nur wegen leichten Schmerzen oder sogar nur als Verhütung. Die Frauenärzte kucken oft garnicht was die Ursache ist wenn man irgendwas hat. Die verschreiben die Pille und dann kannst du wieder gehen.
2.Die Pille für denn Mann wurde ja erforscht aber wurde aufgrund der Nebenwirkungen noch nicht rausgebracht, die Nebenwirkungen scheinen aber sehr ähnlich wie die Frauen pille zu sein ,oder sind sie so viel schlimmer? Wenn ja ,was macht die schlimmer?
3.Ich habe schon öfter mal gehört das die Pille für die frau heute garnicht mehr genehmigt werden würde ,ich kann dazu aber keine vertrauenswürdige Quelle finden. Stimmt das? Wenn ja dann frage ich mich warum die dann nicht vom Markt genommen wird oder zumindest Seltener verschrieben wird.
I have prevented 10 years with the pill, 15 years of hormone spiral and 7 years of three month injection.
in between I got two children, wish children, and for a time NFP and with condoms.
My wife’s doctor, where I was 30 years old until he retired, never pushed me up or talked me up. safe contraception was important to me, otherwise I wouldn’t be there for professional reasons.
My husband didn’t want vasectomy and we both didn’t want condoms permanently.
So everything went optimally and did not tell here that gynecologists are pushing something up! You advise and you have another mouth to say yes or no!!!
Your “question” reads as if you had been tied up and given a dangerous drug under compulsion!
1.I’m glad you had such a nice experience with your wife doctor. But that’s just yours. Unfortunately, not every doctor is so beautiful.
2.Where did I say that the doctors force the pill? I said “written”.
3.I’m aware that you have your free will and don’t have to do what the doctor says, but you still have to think that the doctor should be a trusted person, and he should want the best for patients.
4.Why do you take my question so personally?
5.If you read the question this way, the problem might be with you.
What would be the best way to prevent if you had sex with many different people?
And especially with changing sexual contacts, the pill is the safest! No one wants to get pregnant from an ONS where the condom is burst! How do you prevent it from being the “big” pill?
And don’t write now, “I don’t have sex,” then you don’t have to discuss with!!!
You just don’t get it, but it doesn’t make sense to discuss people like you, so I just let it go. Have a day
Apparently, you didn’t read my answer properly. I’ve written that I don’t prevent any more, so don’t take a pill, and I haven’t had a one-night stand in my whole life and don’t want any.
Since I don’t have to prevent any more, I don’t take any contraception, neither pill nor condom nor anything else. You’ll come by yourself sometime.
I have only one problem when indidvidual problems are rolled out on the whole world of women! If you don’t want to take a pill, don’t take any! But don’t try to talk a whole professional division of gynecologists badly just because you weren’t satisfied with a single one! And I fight against these generalizations, because they are not useful!
And that you put all the sums here incognito, say a lot.
If you want to take the pill, you should take it. But condom is still good due to sexual diseases. And I’m aware that the condom can burst (according to google, the probability is 1.34%)but if you’re so afraid of it and if you don’t want the pill or don’t confuse it then you don’t have an ont(or look for other contraceptives).
But I’m still talking about the pill being prescribed too fast, so I think it’s interesting that you focus on this little sideline.
Take your beloved pill if you want, but let me and other women rest.
Besides, it doesn’t matter if I have sex or not. I still have a right to go.
1. Can’t answer, at least I’ve never taken the pill and it has never been recommended to me.
Two. That’s not true with the side effects. The thing is when a drug goes into the phase of approval, then it is always checked what are the risks when taking the drug and what are the risks if you do not take the medilament. If a woman does not take the drug, then there is the risk that she will get pregnant and also the risk that complications will arise. If a man does not take the drug, nothing happens. This means that a woman compares the risk of the drug with the risk of pregnancy. In men, the risk of the drug is compared with a non-existent risk. For this reason, the benefit/risk ratio is balanced in women, but in men the risk is enormously outweighed. And that’s why it’s not allowed.
3. That’s not true.