Anti Depressiva leer, Arzt hat schon zu, woher rezept?
Hi, ich leide an schwerer Depression und Angststörungen und mein Anti Depressiva ist leer, mein Psychiater hat heute schon zu und zu meinem Hausarzt schaffe ich es nicht mehr da der weg ein bisschen weiter ist (1 stunde und schließt um 16 Uhr).
Ich nehme es erst seit 5 Wochen, habe schon gestern vergessen es zu nehmen und brauche dringend neue da es mir ohne sehr viel schlechter geht (Panikattacken und spannungszustände).
Woher kriege ich schnell ein Rezept, bzw. an welchen Arzt und so kann ich mich wenden?
It’s too late now, but I know the problem.
Although speaking time was still, I would never have managed to get there in time, I called the practice. My doctor issued the prescription and gave it to the pharmacy. A buddy picked up my drug the next day.
But otherwise, I would set up a memory in the cell phone every 6 weeks and make sure that the doctor does not do something about the school holidays.
And let you print and give a drug plan so that you don’t have to talk about it for a long time.
Emergency. You haven’t taken it yesterday, which is bad, but I think if it’s sustainable, it’s enough tomorrow. After that, however, please tend regularly and pay attention if you have nothing more! because you see what your carelessness has for consequences.
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It only goes with a prescription from the doctor. He won’t have that.
Oh did not read attentively
All clear
Doctor, the representations are “sensitive”…
Maybe you’ll find a medical representation?
All good!
This is not a case for the doctor.
Bad luck. Could’ve noticed that earlier and set up a multi-day supply. Must wait until Monday…