Ansteckung Magen Darm sprechen?
Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sich mit Magen Darm anzustecken wenn man neben jemanden sitzt dem plötzlich übel ist und den Mann gesprochen hat? Hat sich nicht erbrochen. Kann ich mich da schon angesteckt haben???
Gastric intestines are organs and so you don’t get stomach intestines, but hopefully you have both organs in yourself.
If it’s about vomiting, we’ve got norovirus infection, then you’ll have to kiss your fellow student or pick things he touched before.
No, the Noro viruses are highly contagious and there’s an aerosol in the air. That’s what Noro is…
But I was just thinking about vomiting.
Yeah, that’s right. It’s been 48 hours now. So noro will not have been.
I’d think so. Often it is the psyche that plays a prank.
I haven’t got anything until now – do you think nothing’s coming?
Well, right when? At some point, depending on how fast the incubation is
I don’t know if she went home and if she had broken. Well, now eat Zwieback the next 3 days
So, you know Noro for sure – you don’t feel that bad. If you actually have Noro, you don’t know what end of your body you’re supposed to hang over the toilet bowl first. So I wouldn’t go out from the Norovirus first, or you should have heard. I’d rather eat a little bit…
Okay. What do you recognize that it is noro? She didn’t surrender.
If it really is Noro, it takes a few hours to two days. Other pathogens may vary.
Just don’t get too clean that you have a displeasure for pure subjective reasons, that’s why you don’t eat anything, and that’s why you really get sick. Eat something small, slightly compatible, maybe it’ll be better.
Great. I’m sick because I keep thinking about it. Can’t eat. How long does it take to break it?
There is, of course, a particularly high risk, but not exclusively there.
Extremely unlikely. Gastrointestinal viruses spread less like corona or flu over the air… but stomach intestinal is a lubricating infection.
You’d have to have saliva in your mouth, or just droplets that you inhaled… or if the person after the stool has not thoroughly washed her hands, gave you the hand, and you’ve rubbed your eyes with it or put your mouth in your mouth.
If you can’t say that, it’s on the pathogen. If he had the Noro virus, the probability goes roughly against 100%, other pathogens are less likely.
So Noro could be very likely?
If your counterpart actually had Noro, yes. But don’t…
Rather unlikely.
Rather unlikely.
Sure? We sat next to each other and she suddenly felt bad. I went after 20-30 min after she said that for fear she could break next to me. We’ve spoken to each other, but we’ve only spoken for a moment.
Very safe