Anschlusszug verpasst?.. Muss ich den nächsten nehmen, der die gleiche Route fährt?

Falls ich den Anschluss-Ice verpasse, darf ich in der Regel den nächsten nehmen. Muss dieser dann die gleiche Route zum Ziel fahren oder kann er auch eine andere Strecke zum Ziel fahren?

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4 years ago

Why would that matter? As long as you get to the destination and have the right ticket.

4 years ago

That depends on which ticket you have. In doubt always ask at the switch.

4 years ago

Based on the fact that you have a ticket with a train…

… the train attendant points to a suitable connection. Otherwise ask platform supervision or service point! The train is required to put you on a suitable train. You can then also get a “Update” instead of IC on a bus line with ICE via a fast route. So it doesn’t have to be the same route, only the target has to vote. That’s what’s going on.

Based on the fact that you have a flex ticket…

… Asking train companions for fitting connections in the event of a threatening delay is not wrong. In general, a travel path can be printed on your card, which you will have to follow. (Not the train exit in the lower area, but in the locked field with abbreviations and constellations as short description.)

4 years ago

About another route? Be careful. Your ticket may not be valid by way of departure.

4 years ago

You can go to the destination on the same or on another way, depending on what is the fastest.