Anrede für einen Tagebucheintrag?
In der Schule lesen wir gerade eine Lektüre und wir müssen zu einer Person einen Tagebucheintrag schreiben. Eigentlich würde ich ja mit liebes Tagebuch anfangen, aber bei dieser Person kann ich mir kein liebes Tagebuch vorstellen, weil es einfach nicht passt. Zur Person passt es formeller. Habt ihr vielleicht Ideen was passen könnte?
Perhaps you can also overwrite it quite differently, for example, you might consider writing the headline/note in English because it would be unusual. On the other hand, you could not use a real address, but rather a headline, even with date!
And if the ideas are not so good, they may help you to show you a direction!
Good luck!
The person can theoretically also write entries in the form of a letter to a fictional person, similar to Anne Frank. He would then be addressed to a person who can also be ‘formal’.
Or just write a date and then, without address, start the entry, that would be the ‘most formal’.
What would be possible would be a ‘thank you for the 13th. July of Brian Henderson (or whatever name your figure has)… but that seems to me somewhat overdrawn… but could fit as the figure is on it.
You need a start
Just get in. A diary is a little unavoidable. Some people write love diary because they don’t know how to start.
That could be different with your person.
Simply date and place the entry without a introductory floss.
Love Diary
Dear Diary
Just the date.