Anne Franks Tagebuch informationen?
Ich habe am 14.02 ein Referat über Anne franks Tagebuch unter welche Gattung fällt das Tagebuch? Welches Thema? und wie ist die Illustration? und ab wann würdet ihr das buch empfehlen und was kann man zur meinung schreiben?
Have you ever seen the book before? Don’t seem like that, so please don’t expect us to do your homework!
I’ve finished reading the book, but I’m not sure if there’s a genre called diary, so I know nciht from what age you can recommend it I’m 13 and my mother says from 10 but I find it better from 12-13
also there are about all 10-20 page pictures, what should I write for illustration? I have a 1.3 cut and always do my homework myself but I get paniccatches with references and need help my gott
Read the book first.
I have already
Anne Frank fled to Amsterdam with her family. For her 13 birthday she gets a diary what she wanted. Then she begins to write her name her diary Kitty and writes about her everyday problems, her friends and the lifestyle in constant danger of life. In the two years she writes in her diary, she must submerge with her family and other persecutions into a back home. She and her family also hide behind a bookshelf. A few days after her last day book entry her hiding was found and cleaned Anne Frank dies in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Her father Otto Frank published her diary in a shortened version as the only survivor of her family. It was Anne Frank’s own wish that her diary will be published later.
in any case I did not read it
I read the book.
I do not use tiktok and no instagram I have a 1.1 cut, but they know me better
Main thing you know how TicTok and Instagram goes…
You should know that because you learn something like that in the 5th grade at the latest. And as I said, Google should be able to use it at this age.
and how should I know? I am 13 I deal with neurology chromosomes physics etc baer with this just not
Right, it’s also a diary, that’s a type of text. Genre is only available in fictional works…
I have gogled and the only matching genre I had found was a historical novel but it is not a Romas
Are you capable of using Google? “Daybook + Genre”, so easy.
You don’t have to react so aggressively here just because someone asks your question. It looks like you’re just uploading your homework here, as all the sub-questions of your question can actually be answered with the Internet within seconds.
Just watch the following video and read the corresponding Wikipedia article (and use the linked sources!) more you don’t need for a simple presentation:
then don’t imagine that I wouldn’t have read it I think of my summary you realize that I’ve read it only I don’t know if there’s a genre called diary and what you can write for ilustration