ich hab mir gestern 3 Teile von nem Manga gekauft und hab dann bemerkt, dass es den Manga auch als Anime auf Crunchyroll gibt. (Hab wohl vorher nicht richtig geschaut)
jedenfalls wollte ich euch fragen, ob ich lieber zuerst den Manga lesen soll, oder zuerst den Anime schauen soll?
PS: es geht übrigens um Detektiv Conan
danke schonmal
You can also do both, of course, because in animes is often shortened, so the manga may have more story.
Conan now has a lot of consequences. You may look at them first and decide if you want to invest in the books. (Maybe you can borrow them from the library – that would be cheaper)
Always depends on the manga/anime.
If you want to go through big stories directly, Mangas is usually better because the anime adaptation takes some length.
Then there are those who are drawn not even approach as good as the anime. Attack on Titan is a good example. Grandiose ideas and history, but I find his character style really not good.
To Conan, I think the anime would be better because this is one of the longest animes there is. It’ll be pretty expensive if you want to buy them all.
Makes sense, thank you for the detailed answer
It’s the manga.
Okay, thanks
I don’t know how many volumes there are, but aren’t there hundreds? Can you afford them all? I would have looked at these titles anime first to make sure that is worth buying hundreds of mangas.