Angst weil Sehstärke sich schnell verschlechtert hat?

Hallo, kennt das zufällig jemand?

ich hatte jahrelang immer nur -0,25-0,5 Dioptrien Verschlechterung. Vor einem Jahr war ich bei -5,5. und nun plötzlich ein Jahr später bei -7,5!!? Dies wurde beim Optiker gemessen und sie sagte sofort, dass sei eher nicht normal und müsste abgeklärt werden. Betroffen sind beide Augen.

nächste Woche gehts zwar zum Augenarzt, aber ich wollte schon einmal fragen ..

vielen dank für eure Tipps..

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2 years ago

No, I’ve never seen anything like that. My short-sightedness also deteriorates continuously, but it has never been so bad. The highest increase I had so far was -0.50 diopters in half a year.

This can be possible, but it is definitely not the rule that is correct. So, as recommended, you should make a visit to your ophthalmologist and, if the increase is due to no disease, carry out a repetition measurement with the optician. If you still have doubts about the credibility of the result, try it in another branch or an independent optician.

One thing is perhaps still useful to know: eye doctors no longer learn the refraction, i.e. the determination of the necessary refractive value for the spectacle lenses in their studies and, if so, only in a quick course with the optician. If eye diseases are excluded, but the determined values between ophthalmologist and optician (strongly) differ, I would rather trust the optician.

LG and all the best!🤓

2 years ago

For the first time, I would have a second time measure. It can just be a mistake, probably even. Otherwise, that would actually be unusual, but you already have the doctor’s appointment.

2 years ago

Has once had such a situation with the optician… Then I’m off to the ophthalmologist and that meant to me that wasn’t really measured…. I even had an improvement with the ophthalmologist

Since then, I have never measured the visual strength of the optician

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfesuchend53

Only with the difference that the eye doctors no longer learn the refraction, i.e. the determination of the dioptrics, in contrast to the optician in their studies and, if at all, in a fast course, at the optician. Therefore, if both values differ, I would rather be able to rely on that of the optician or perform a repetition measurement in another branch.

2 years ago

Your question is whether your eyes have deteriorated quickly or what do you want to know? Except in the title, you didn’t ask a question.