Angst vorm Flugzeug! hilfe!

in ein paar monaten fliegen wir von der schule aus nach tunesien. mein problem ist aber das ich totale Panik bekomme wenn ich nur ans fliegen DENKE. ich bin zwar schon geflogen aber das ist soo lange her dass ich mich nicht mal mehr daran erinnern kann…

ich weiß nicht was ich machen kann

ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen:) lg tiernude

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11 years ago

Hello! I’m a professional pilot and try to take your fear a little.

I’ll start. I would like to say in advance: I will not lie in this post to take your fear, that would not be fair to you. Let me start:

At the start natural an enormous thrust force is applied to get an aircraft in the air. At the beginning of the start, you will, well, how should I say, squeeze something into the seat, which can trigger a somewhat “smooth” feeling, because it may come suddenly if you are not prepared for it. After applying the thrust force, the path that the aircraft has to lay back follows to have the correct speed for lifting off. This will be approx. Take 20-30 seconds. There a distance of about 1-2km is covered. When the aircraft has reached the appropriate speed, the pilot lifts the aircraft very slowly and gently into the air. Depending on the weather, it can happen that it “wackelts”. This could give you the feeling that you have no ground under your feet. But don’t worry, breathe deeply, and then you’ll realize it’s all good! To climb at the start: I do not know in which class or Step you are, but you will certainly be able to imagine what a slope of 20 degrees is. Draw a line on a sheet and draw an angle of 20 degrees. If you did this, you will have the maximum gradient that should occur at a start. But this is also only at the beginning, after a few seconds it will flatten again. However, it is possible to turn a curve after lifting. But there is no fear either! The pilots are designed for this and are also supported by the system of the aircraft.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you so many tips, except: Choose a seat on the gang, not on the window. Then sit next to your friends and ask them to close the curtain on the window. Then you don’t come to the temptation to look outside. Take a book with you, listen to music and you’ll see that this isn’t so bad with the fear of heights.

To get to the next point that comes from my side: Flying is the safest means of transport, which is currently available. The probability of dying on the way to the airport in the car is greater than the one to crash with the airplane.

If an aircraft has a problem, what can happen, then the pilots are trained and know what to do. For example, they get priority in the airspace and will land the aircraft safely. This also applies by the way to medical emergencies. Once accepted, a passenger is very bad, the pilots will land immediately at the next airport!

Finally, it can be said that if you have no problem driving with a rollercoaster, the whole thing will surely be a relaxed matter;)

You can also ask questions. I wish you a good flight and always happy landings.

11 years ago

Statistically, the most dangerous thing about flying is the journey to the airport and back again. The likelihood of something happening to you is much higher on any other means of transport. Remember when you’re in the plane, that you’re much safer now than if you’re sitting in a car or even on a bike.

11 years ago

Remember that the FLugzeug is the safest means of transport at all. It is more likely to strive for a terrible car accident than to strive for a plane crash.

11 years ago

Why are you afraid of what?

11 years ago

I’d talk to trusted people about it. (Evtl. also with the, which also offers Internet consulting.)

Good luck!

11 years ago

Wikihow is usually a good address. Otherwise stop talking to a trustee, an external professional. Many airports or airlines also offer special flight fear courses. Good luck:)

11 years ago

Aeroplanes are the safest means of transport in the world.And if you dare to drive by car, you don’t need to be afraid to fly.If you’re afraid in the plane, then get a flight attendant to you and say they’ll help you:) And I wish you a great and safe journey:)

11 years ago

Then you have to stay home.

11 years ago

you are not flying