Angst Vor Zug Türe, wie bekommt man die auf?

Hallo Ich muss morgen wieder mit dem Zug fahren aber bei dem Zug wo ich fahren muss muss ich die Türe mit einen Hebel öffnen aber das ging letztes mal nicht…. Da ich glück hatte das jemand mir geholfen hat… Aber meine Frage jetzt, Wie gehen die türen auf… muss man den Hebel nach Rechts ziehen oder was?

Bitte helft mir!


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10 years ago

With the old ÖBB ́s it is so that you press the lever to the right when it is the right door and otherwise always outwards;)

10 years ago

This is usually different. What doors do you mean? The ones to get out from the inside or the one to get into another compartment?

In any case, I know this so that you have to press a button with us (I usually drive double-deck car) and drive up by yourself. The lever you think I have to pull in the direction where the door opens. I mean, I’m gonna change the doors to the compartment.

10 years ago
Reply to  Auto987

Where are you from? I’m Tf at Deutsche Bahn. I don’t know where you’re from.

10 years ago

there is usually a button with a hand on it you have to press it then goes on

10 years ago

Yeah, I still know those old fucking doors. I’ve always got them very hard. If you want to get out, you need to press the lever of the right door to the right and the lever of the left door to the left. But with a lot of violence! Especially when I was younger, I could almost never open these doors because I simply missed the necessary body power. I hope that the last of these old models will soon be arranged.

10 years ago

So there are usually 2 levers one you can pull to the left and one to the right it is enough if you also only press a lever and only the one door will knock.

8 years ago

The train is mobile.