Angst vor Zigaretten, Vapes, Rauch etc.?

Hallo. Eher gesagt gute Nacht.

Ich bin 13 und w. Und habe solche Angst vor Zigaretten, Vapes, dem Rauch generell vor dem Kram da. Ich traue mich noch nicht mal so ein Ding anzufassen wenn ich es müsste. Warum ich eigentlich frage ist:

Immer wenn ich zum Bus laufe und Mädchen sehe die an meiner ehemaligen Schule sind, die Rauchen, bekomme ich so einen Schock. Und wenn ich zum Busbahnhof laufe und da Typen oder Typinnen rumlaufen vor mir halte ich meine Luft an und mach die Hand vor den Mund, weil ich mich nicht traue das einzuatmen.

Aber wenn ich in Insta bin, sehe ich auch Mädchen in meinem Alter mit der Kippe im Mund und ich bekomme da so einen Schock und Brechreiz.

Bisher war das schlimmste, dass ich geträumt hatte, dass ich rauche und bin dann komplett schweißgebatet aufgewacht und fast mit Fieber. (Wegen der Angst) Ich dachte ja auch noch, dass das echt war und kein Traum. Das war das schlimme.

Weiß jemand was ich machen kann? LG GN

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1 year ago

Well, it’s basically nothing bad. Better to keep away from it anyway. In the meantime smoking starts early, at my time it started at 16.

I have to admit honestly that I can’t tell you what it’s about you, you might now suspect or claim that you have a dream by any incident in your childhood or anything else.

Of course, you can also blame the media and say that they always report negatively as if such a vape explodes or other.

But I think it’s a head thing, you have to find the overcoming yourself. But actually, it’s even positive if you don’t get in touch with it, the more money you save and the healthier you live.

However, you do not have to worry in the passive smoking. This really won’t kill you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rallepassat

You mean Trauma? Not a dream.

1 year ago

So on the one hand you have a strong desire for it.

On the other hand, there are great fears of illness, which tend towards hypochondria.

Of course it doesn’t fit together. Because when you start smoking, you have to adjust to illnesses at some point.

There is no solution for how to get this away. The contradiction is there. But at least it will be a little easier for you to make decisions if you don’t frighten and at least you understand everything.

Most of the energy goes on for displacement.

1 year ago
Reply to  Janabeh2010


1 year ago
Reply to  Janabeh2010

Sure. It’s obvious from your description.

This is the displacement. And DAS costs the power.

But you’ll decide for yourself.

1 year ago

Okay. I wouldn’t have said anything if you hadn’t asked. You write

“I don’t even dare to touch that thing if I had to.” You also write that you even dream about it.

There is no reason to constantly imagine that you touch these things. And even dreaming about it.

Why would you think about such a thing if you had no interest in it? I never thought about it in my life. And so are millions of others.

There is only one explanation: just a desire for it.

What doesn’t mean you’re afraid of it. Especially if you have many fears of illness – like you – you can be afraid of something so unhealthy.

And then this fear becomes very active when one has the desire for it and imagines doing it. And both feelings go wild.

1 year ago

You’d like to smoke yourself and are totally fascinated by it, but you’re frightened of it and you’re totally getting in there. Relax.

I used to be the same, but not so extreme. At 18 I started smoking and now smoke 11 years later. And even after 11 years, I can sometimes still not realize that I am really smokers.