Angst vor Übelkeit bei Fahrstunden?

Ich habe das Problem das mir beim Autofahren eigentlich fast immer schlecht wird, vor allem wenn ich hinten sitze oder der Fahrer nicht “sanft” fährt. Jetzt mache ich gerade meinem Führerschein und hatte eine Fahrstunde aber schon wieder total Angst vor der nächsten! Was ist wenn ich hinten sitzen muss falls ein anderer fährt und mir übel wird? Und was ist wenn ich mitten im Verkehr bin und fahre und mich dann übergeben müsste? Es stresst mich einfach so sehr – habt ihr Tipps?

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2 years ago

It’s a completely different thing to do, with train or self driving.

When you drive yourself, you look at the road and focus on the road. See if ground waves come. You know when you feel pulled forward because you brake yourself. You know in advance that you will feel drawn to the side because you yourself are directed. As a result, there is this discrepancy “I see something different than I feel”, which is usually the cause of nausea, not actually.

That’s why you’re not closing off your trouble as a passenger on what might be if you drive yourself!

In general, fear is always a bad guide, it blocks the head. Things that need to be taken care of should not be done if you are afraid of it.

What is clear, of course, is that if you have already decided that you will feel bad when driving, that will happen. No matter if there’s a reason for it. This is called self-filling prophecy. Well, don’t pretend to be bad for you.

See how it is in practice. Then you can worry.

And what if I’m in the middle of the traffic and drive and then have to hand me over?

Then you keep up to the next parking bay or the like, go there and then let you pick up from someone.

2 years ago

Don’t worry, you’re distracted and don’t even think about it.
If I take someone in the car with the “travel disease” I always have a trick – I let him navigate. Z.b. “when we have to turn left” etc. The one or the one does not come to think.

In addition, the driver’s license is intended to give you a pleasure. All right!

2 years ago

That someone gets bad when he/she sits in the car as a passenger or on the back seat often happens.

But this changes at the moment when this person himself sits on the wheel and controls the happening himself. You’re not the first person to do this.

So don’t worry so much. As the person at the handlebar, you are the “capitalist” and have the “leading position”.

You’d rather be looking forward to the first hour of your ride, which will allow you to drive yourself at the end of the driving school. This means that the suffering nausea as a passenger is no longer a topic for you.

2 years ago

Make two tests:

1. Stand down, spread arms, feet together, 1 foot high and leg angle to make eyes firm

Two. Like 1st, but with eyes look up and straight ahead.

What happens at first and what happens at second?

LG Rafa

2 years ago

Most likely you won’t get bad because you are responsible for the movements.

2 years ago


I know that too!

There are tablets for. They won’t blame you when you drive.

Believe hot tablets against travel sickness or something.

Go to the pharmacy and ask them. don’t cost much and help really well.


2 years ago
Reply to  mikedresden

I hope you won’t take such pills if you put yourself in the wheel. The rideability can be significantly impaired.

2 years ago

the driving licence

imagine you’re driving with over 100 and you’re getting bad not to think about

1 year ago
Reply to  peterobm

It is worth avoiding it if you want it. Better just admit it.