Angst vor Schwangerschaft?
Ich hatte vor ca.4 Tagen mein (erstes Mal) mit meinem Freund. Er hat ihn vielleicht 4x mal rein und wieder raus dann hab ich stop gesagt weil ich Angst hatte. Sprich, er ist nicht gekommen. Ich weis ich weis lusttropfen und so. Jetzt habe ich jedenfalls riesige Angst das ich schwanger sein könnte da ich im Moment Bauchschmerzen habe. Die können aber auch von der Angst und dem Stress kommen.Ich hab grade auch die Grippe und die Übelkeit könnte sich davon kommen aber ich habe einfach Angst. Ich wollte mal nach einer Meinung fragen.
Hi Lunaaaa158,
Since you can still never be sure, I recommend buying a pregnancy test and doing it in 1-2 weeks. Or if you are extremely afraid to get pregnant, take the pill after. However, you should think about it well because the pill brings your whole Horman household together.
The pill then contains hormones in high concentration. This may result in monthly bleeding occurring lately, lubrication bleeding or stronger bleeding. In addition, there may be other side effects: nausea and vomiting.
Mfg Autipoly2flu
I don’t understand you’re afraid. You pop without contraceptives. The likelihood is to get pregnant anyway. Except for the illnesses you might have left. Who knows where he put in it before.
In my opinion, if you don’t want to get pregnant, you should protect yourself better. A No does not protect you permanently.
The present abdominal pain can be no consequence of pregnancy. It’s not that fast.
But without prevention, you can get pregnant by the lust drop, especially as he has penetrated into you.
Check this out best with your gyn if he recommends the pill.
If the pregnancy test is only positive, then the pill is too late.
Yes, possible. 19 days after traffic you can test.
No, you can’t be pregnant. Don’t worry.
What do you think?
Opinion on fear?
Fear is something natural that often protects us. First think (prevent), then act!
You can get pregnant by the lust drop that is correct 🤷
People also win in the lottery.