angst vor op?
hallo ich bin 12 vielleicht habt ihr mein Beitrag wars das gelesen wo ich gefragt hatte ob ich Blinddarm hab ich war beim artzt und es stellt sich heraus das es der Blinddarm ist jetzt werde ich morgen evtl. operiert jetzt hab ich angst vor der OP das die narbe wieder aufplatzt und auch die narkose läst mir keine ruhe was ist wenn ich da nicht mehr aufwache kann mir jemand die angst nehmen tut auf jeden Fall gut den Beitrag zu verfassen mfg
I know that very well. The other day, my first surgery and I was just the same, it’s quite normal that you’re afraid of that, especially if you don’t know it yet, but you really don’t have to worry at all. Of course, there are always certain risks with this, but the chances are so low and the nacose and the seam cannot happen to you. Your body can’t fight against the substances of a full-nakosis (I guess you’ll get one) and the staff in every hospital is very experienced who know exactly how much your body needs. Besides, someone is with you all the time. The doctors in the surgery have countless monitors that notice if anything is wrong and have enough experience to deal with it properly. You need to think for you this is all new and anxious, but these people work 24 hours each day in this building and treat all sorts of cases.
I hope this helps a bit, I can tell you from experience that all of this is going over quite quickly. If you feel bad, do the best to get a list of all the things you want to do after the dismissal, at least that helped me and think that it’s quite normal to have a bit of muffe
Good luck and good improvement
I thank you very much that takes the fear a big bit
How are you jz? You’ve probably been operating already