Angst vor Ohnmacht?

Meine schwester 15w hat ihre freundin gesehen wie sie in Ohnmacht gefallen ist, nun hat sie immer Angst wen sie raus geht das sie in ohnmacht Fallen könnte sie traut sich gefühlt garnichts mehr glaubt ihr es ist angst? Oder können es wirklich gesundheitlich Gründe sein ich hoffe jemand kann mir meine Frage beantworten

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8 months ago

She could have developed an anxiety disorder. This is a serious mental illness that belongs to professional hands. So what you should do as a family is first to make an appointment with a psychotherapist and secondly, if it is diagnosed, to recognize it as a disease.

8 months ago

If you eat enough and the right thing, you don’t get fainted. Especially if electrolytes (zb salt) are missing, it can happen that they are fainted.

Eat a lot and have all the electrolytes intus, then it is 99% excluded to fall in faintness

then there is no more reason to be afraid

8 months ago

Looks scared. You should try to make her realize that you can’t just be faint. If that doesn’t work, a psychologist would be advisable. But in order to face his fears, one has to go into exactly the situations that cause fear. You can also see that nothing actually happens. Even with a panic attack, you are usually not fainted. You have to hyperventilate forever so that you can.

8 months ago

do you think it’s anxious?

You answered the question yourself:

now she is always afraid

8 months ago
Reply to  Emilie44027

All good 😌