angst vor magenspiegelung?
hab am mittwoch eine magenspiegelung und hab richtig angst davor. vorallem vor der narkose. ich weiß das ist keine starke oder so weil die untersuchung nur so 10-15 minuten braucht. aber trotzdem hab ich so eine angst. an sich bin ich so eine person die immer gleich bei sowas ans schlimmste denkt und angst bekommt. aber ich hab das gefühl ich schaff das nicht vor angst. vorallem als die den zettel gezeigt haben mit dem sachen die alles passieren können bei der magenspiegelung. hab auch angst von narkose nicht mehr aufzuwachen. wie kann ich mich da beruhigen? is das schlimm??
The probability of no longer waking up from the sedation/short anaesthesia is certainly even lower than the likelihood of dying in the case of the strain ECG at the internalist or in the case of a car accident.
I’ve had a stomach reflection with me seven times, the first three with sedation or Short anesthesia, the last four without. With all the variants I have made good experience.
Neither gastric reflection nor anesthesia are problematic. This note is always available beforehand to secure the practice.
You’ll get a shot and wake up again when everything’s over. I’ve had 3 stomach reflections – without problems.
Hello. 🙂
You don’t need to be afraid at all. I’ve had three stomach reflections. You only get a slight sedation and no proper anesthesia. You close your eyes, and when you’re awake again, you’ll think, oh when do we start the investigation. So everything is relaxed. After that, the doctor will discuss the results with you. I’ve always been like that.
Don’t be afraid, you can do it! 🙂
Greetings. 🙂
ok, many thanks😊
Sure. 🙂 Reports liked after Wednesday times as it was for you.
Oh, great, I’m glad. Greetings. 🙂
It went well. Panic was in vain
Just make old. Say thank you for providing medical care.
Among the estimated eight to ten million full anaesthesia per year, there are about 43,000 patients who no longer wake up. Security,DGAI)%20im%20year%202014%20
In the case of a gastric reflex, you do not get a general anesthesia. You are not intubated, etc. This is just a slight sedation. And the FS generally makes even more fear than it already has is not really beneficial.
I’ll make a gastric and intestinal reflection every 4 years. With the slight anesthesia you get (“sleep syringe”), you don’t notice anything. Promise! The last time I went to sleep in the middle of the sentence and after waking up, I complained that they should finally start.
I’ve had stomach reflections several times. It’s easy. The reflection isn’t the problem, you don’t do it without reason. The diagnosis is the problem. Gastric ulcer, mucosa inflammation, stomach cancer, or nothing. I wish you all the best!
You don’t get anesthesia, you just get a syringe in your arm.