angst vor langstreckenflug! erfahrungen?
hallo 🙂 ich werde bald nach buenos aires fliegen und der flug dauert ca. 16-17 stunden 🙁 ich bin noch nie in meinem leben so lange geflogen oder mit einem anderen verkehrsmittel so lange gefahren…. der längste flug hat bei mir 3 stunden gedauert, die längste autofahrt 10 stunden… ich hab ziemlich angst, weil ich nicht weiß, ob ich das aushalte… was passiert, wenn ich panik bekomme? wenn ich nach 12 stunden panik bekomme, muss ich trotzdem noch ewig aushalten… oder wenn mir richtig schlecht wird? ich hab einfach angst… könnt ihr mir vielleicht eure erfahrungen von langstreckenflügen erzählen? war es schlimm? hattet ihr turbulenzen? danke!
Hello, Alice! I have been flying very often even far beyond 12 hours in the direction of Thailand, Indonesia, Australia etc. I can assure you that a long-haul flight is much more pleasant than an equally long car ride. A break and “to the right” is of course not possible 🙂 but you can walk around on the corridors after starting and landing, always on the toilets, etc., etc., and take your legs there. I don’t know how old you are, but a tasty red wine after the start also often helps to sleep a few pieces…. From my experience, the time in the plane is much shorter than, for example, spending the same time in the car or even worse BUS. The advantages of a long-haul flight are of course auc the offers of the flight line. In contrast to short distances (up to 3 hours) a lot of variety is offered such as movies, snacks etc. If you really need to panic, contact the flight attendees immediately, they can also help you. Can I ask what airline to fly? I wish you a wonderful holiday and a great flight….please look forward to it and don’t make yourself crazy now! LG Maggie
I flew from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires in 2013. This is the longest Lufthansa flight with 14 hours for about 11,500 km and they are already moving in length. After 4 hours, when other people are already on the Canary Islands, you are on the same latitude above the Westrand of the Sahara and then have all the South Atlantic before you.
It’s like in the submarine. Going out doesn’t go, so just staying busy yourself (watching movies, reading, running around, talking to the cabin crew); There are many possibilities – and the few do not work with me on long distances. I just can’t concentrate, don’t sleep, the music goes on the cookies. So I’m staring at the airshow and just turn off, fall into some kind of meditation.
All other tests, e.g. reading a book, solving a crossword puzzle or watching a film have failed so far and that has been for hundreds of flight hours. An interruption I always look forward to is the food. If you enjoy it, you can expand it and win again 30 minutes;-) That’s all I can say now, because everyone is different. My advice: Is there a thing that is fun for you and that you can deal with for a long time? Then take this on board and mentally divide the flight into individual sections.
And do a little gymnastics: circle feet and head, gripping movements, isometric exercises, breathing exercises. Help also does autogenous training.
To turbulence: flights to the southern hemisphere lead over the equator and thus through the intratropical convergence zone with u. U. Extremely high clouds and strong up and down. Even a B747 can get into the wobble, but it’s not bad, on the contrary. After hours of quiet Dahingleiten you are looking forward to a little change. It just shakes and doesn’t go up or down hundreds of meters.
But this cannot be avoided, because somewhere in this world, the plane must fly through this zone.
If you feel uncomfortable or get scared, please contact the flight attendants and ask them for support.
Hello! So as I live in India I fly from India to Germany once a month 9 hours. Of course it’s not that long, but anyway. I’ve never had a single problem. My relatives have often visited me even with panic flugang and when you’re in the plane, it’s not that bad anymore. You have a small screen sitting in front of you can watch every lot of films and play games or just listen to music. Most aircraft also have a camera where you can look exactly on your screen what the pilot sees. You always get something regular to eat and drink, and if you get a bit of fear, the stewardesses will be happy to help you. On board, they usually have sleeping pills or tablets against panic attacks if you need them. I hope I have taken you a bit of fear 🙂 good flight and beautiful holidays 🙂
it wasn’t bad and I think it was super relaxed in the plane. once drove 20 hours by bus that was horror: no toilet, no ‘right’ eating etc. so it was really close there
In the airplane I find it totally comfortable and film you can also watch:-) so my conclusion is flying is beautiful and turbulent are not bad. also I can sleep super in a plane 😀 i KNOW Much luck 🙂
Apart from the very effective psychic techniques already described here, I can recommend something pharmacological. The agent is called “Tavor Expidet 1.0 mg” and acts extremely effectively against panic and anxiety, already 2 hours after taking. After about 10-12 hours, the effect is largely distorted. There is hardly any direct side effects other than sleepiness, but it is necessary to take extreme caution when this preparation, which originates from the group of benzodiazepines, is taken over a longer period of time, because it is highly physically dependent! This can happen after 5 days of daily intake and a withdrawal from these so-called “Benzos” is a brutal matter! That’s why my recommendation, turn to the pediatrician of your trust, tell him your fear and ask him if he once describes this medicine (or a generic) so that you can have it as a safety during your long-haul flight. If you get panic, take one tablet of it, and be sure, after 2 hours at the latest, you are completely fear-free. Hello.
Hello Alice44556677, I also flew to Buenos Aires at Easter with LH and you could be super entertained by the numerous film offers (also quite a lot of current and everything in German!), otherwise you can also listen to music or watch series, just read them on iPad or so… From turbulence I felt as good as nothing – Don’t be afraid it can (unlike) nix happen you’ll get tired at some point and get some sleep because you forget your fear Beautiful trip fleur3000
I’ve been flying to Florida like I was 3 years old until now(16) and it’s all not a problem you have there Whs nen TV and can sleep with you and movies look good the time of the is as well as train driving basically just in the air ..and you don’t need to worry about turbulence when it happens then usually means to buckle up until the sign is gone again and was finished
It’s cool. Sits longer in the plane, more ne. Can be sure to stand up and run around. Take music with you, usually there are televisions, sleeping or reading.
Adventure 🙂
On long-haul flights you have a wonderful animation & entertainment program today. You don’t think about panic. A friend of mine is Stewardes and had to land in Boston the other day because a panic got. The airline later pulled Regress. As a result, naturally dozens of tourists and businessmen miss their connecting flights. Have fun in Buenos Aires
Your fear is justified. I recommend sitting at the end of the row, i.e. not at the window. In panic attacks, there is the Flight-Attendant. And if you believe in God I recommend praying beforehand, if not this is a good beginning 🙂
LG and a good flight
I flew 17 hours!