Angst vor Hunden im Zug – Wie viel Recht steht einem zu?
Ich saß gestern im Zug. Neben mir eine mittelalte Dame. Da der Zug völlig überfüllt war, standen auch Leite im Gang und ich saß nicht auf einem Zweier-Sitz sondern quasi ‚horizontal‘ im Zug, also meine Füße in Richtung des Gangs (doofe Beschreibung)
Rein kam ein Mann mit seiner Freundin und beide hatten jeweils einen Pitbull-ähnlichen Hund an der Leine.
Die Hunde standen mit dem Kopf direkt bei mir und der Dame. Ich selbst habe auch minimal Angst bekommen dass was passiert. So kam mir aber schon die Dame neben mir zuvor und sagte, sie habe Angst und ob die beiden ihre Hunde nicht von ihr wegziehen können.
Gesagt getan. Doch war es eben überfüllt und die Menschen suchten ständig Platz und 30 Sekunden später standen die Hunde wieder direkt vor uns.
Die Frau diesmal ziemlich genervt und meinte, dass sie nicht will das die Hunde vor ihr stehen.
Der Mann der beiden Hunde ebenfalls genervt und sagte dann „Der ganze Zug ist überfüllt wir haben hier alle keinen Platz uns so hinzustellen wie wir wollen. Damit müssen sie jetzt leben“
Ich verstehe beide Parteien irgendwie und hatte auch Angst vor den Hunden. Letztendlich haben die Hunde halt nichts gemacht aber ich wollte mal wissen wie es da rechtlich aussieht.
Vielleicht auch wenn der Zug nicht ganz überfüllt gewesen wäre. Wären Hundehalter dazu verpflichtet sich einen anderen Platz zu suchen, wenn sich jemand durch die Hunde bedroht fühlt (unter den Umständen, dass der Hundehalter nach der sich beschwerenden Person Platz nimmt)
The man and his girlfriend could have stood between their dogs and the middle-aged woman with her dog fear.
I know that there are a lot of people with a big dog fear, who already change the street side, even if there is only the favorite little dog on the Leine Gassi.
But the state only intervenes legally when there are incidents. I had already won to the church once, because an old disabled woman just let her poisonous shepherd run here without leash.
In answer, I only got the woman allowed this, and the pure fear that something could happen, not enough for the community to go in.
Someone has to be bitten.
The shepherd had actually bitten someone at a time, namely the owner himself.
But after this incident, she moved away and I don’t know how it went on with the dog.
The pure fear of dogs will have no effect on anything.
You may be able to show them that they do not wear a muzzle (if they need it there), but that would not change the current situation. And the fine will certainly not be high because of the not wearing a muzzle.
Thanks for the H.A. 🙂
Pitbulls and other martial dogs can only be kept and transported under strict conditions – that would be added.
Enge is not a reason to want to squeeze with animals into a train – on the contrary!
Good luck!
Firstly, there are no “fighting dogs” and secondly, in my entire state, there are no “dog lists”. That’s thanks to the mind.
Call it as you want, you can’t talk it, the court judgments are insatiable; the conditions of transport, even if the behaviour does not seem to play a role.
If there’s no room, you have to live with it. That’s bad luck.
The dogs were probably fished and had a muzzle. So they were objectively not dangerous and probably they had a ticket.
Unfortunately, you can’t do anything. Even if I understand them personally well. Dogs can scratch and swell. They like to lie down on their feet and adorn themselves. Who doesn’t like it doesn’t like it.
But even in people, you cannot choose the neighbors on the train. I’m sure some guys are the little ones.
Tip: Pay for a reservation.
Somehow, it’s in vain. What should a reservation change in the bad behavior of the dog holder? The lady had a place, the dog owner too, but he took care of his dog. – for dog and master or better here: dog and his human mate.
In front of my spiritual eye are trains that have compartments. Split doors can be closed. There are no dogs coming from the gang that are pushed in.
My pity also applies to the dogs. It must be terrible for them if they have to stand between legs for hours with a bite basket and leash and ask themselves who will probably kick their tail or paw.
By the way: If a train is overcrowded at ÖBB, it will be moved if no one voluntarily gets out. I’m not saying that this is a better solution. I’m just saying it’s a way. Whether the alternative is happy is another question. uU is then in the rain on the land instead of Pitbulls.
Also dog phobikers are not forced to stay near the dogs. You can get away.
No one is obliged to react to the various phobias of others. Problem solved.
You’re making it very easy, but that’s not true. It should also be in your interest that dog owners be exemplary – everywhere.
That’s how I agree.
And dog phobikers also by quietly and quietly removing without taking their phobia to the occasion for pebbles. You agree with me.
Whoever does not fit a situation is not prevented from removing it. Others don’t have to follow the Phobiker.
Yeah, it’s gonna be constructive. I don’t like being sniffed and sniffed, and I don’t like getting dogs out of my way, so I don’t have a problem with it. But there are such and such – as always in life. The animal wants to orient and communicate in his way. There is a dog holder that reacts to it and also calms the animal and gives him the necessary attention.
If I stroke a dog with acquaintances, then I can wash my hands with him when the clothes fit. On the way, it’s all very limited and that’s why I’m going to distance – if you leave me.
Instead of soothing the woman, you have come to her with arrogance and ignorance – that doesn’t fit me as it was described. I have not been able to read a passport from the case described by the lady. You?
The dogs have the same right to be on this train as the lady.
You can’t put the dogs on the baggage rack. All they need is a muzzle and of course they have to be fishing.
It’s like they’re blind dogs. But this one can be identified.
Just because it was Pitbulls, it doesn’t mean they’re gonna rip you right away. I’m more afraid of the Chihuahuas.
It’s not that easy. Ticket must be solved (it is not a small dog), and the holder must take care of his animal so that he does not touch anyone or too close. Nix “Right” on promotion! Holder yes, the animal no. Well, if the holder is inconsiderate or doesn’t want to worry about it.
I find it terrifying how you set animal and humans legally in a passenger train at the same level. Then I’ll come with a crocodile or a waran soon.
Your understanding of the lady and other travellers is scaryly low.
There is no right to transport in the sense – especially if there is no place.
I find it terrifying how you set animal and humans legally in a passenger train at the same level. Then I’ll come with a crocodile or a waran soon.
I find it terrifying how you like a crocodile with a dog.
Whether the holder has solved a ticket for the dog is not the problem of another passenger. Just as it is not the problem of a passenger whether another passenger has released a ticket.
I didn’t say anything about misunderstanding, so I don’t ask anyone to put any words in my mouth. This is disrespectful.
I said the dog has the same right to be on the train as the lady. So the dog doesn’t have to get out if the holder sticks to all the rules.
Sabber Rule?
Not that, but the dogs must of course be fished and carry a muzzle.
There are exceptions only for dogs and dogs.
Dogs have to carry a muzzle on the train and also need their own ticket – which will allow them to drive along!
This is not correct. In NRW, for example, dogs generally take part in cost-fei.
Not in long distance traffic. Local rules apply in local transport.
What’s wrong with that now?
For the fear of dogs, the dog owners can’t do anything because the lady could have got up and gone. It is also free to work on their fears. There she cannot demand that the rest of the world be directed towards her.
Yes, she can and may demand that the dogs carry a muzzle.
That’s not the point. Read the question and the description.
That’s not different. !!!
Dogs with muzzle normally do not trigger anxiety.
If you wear one and have a valid ticket, of course there is no reason to complain.