Is fear of myocarditis justified?
Hello everyone,
I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and am currently terribly afraid of getting myocarditis.
I'm a 27-year-old female and not currently exercising. I had a cold more than a week ago, but it's now gone, and I've been taking it easy during that time.
Yesterday I got a stomach bug with diarrhea, body aches, and extreme weakness, but no vomiting. This morning, strangely enough, I felt better again, and I cleaned the entire apartment and made the bed because I'm afraid of germs after a stomach bug.
Now I'm wondering if all the tidying and cleaning this morning was too much for me. Could it cause myocarditis?
Thank you in advance for your answers! 🙂
No, that’s too little. You’d have to be very physically expend/loaded so you could risk an inflammation.
If your body has signaled to you that you are doing so well and you have done so far, then there is no excessive effort. You’re not doing sports, you just got a bed.
Good improvement! And remember, the psyche has a great influence on the body. Also excessive worries can slow recovery.
A young healthy person puts a cold well away, you don’t need to be afraid, you’ve been very spared
The apartment is not a sport and therefore harmless.
as long as you don’t let Corona invade, you won’t get any problems
What a nonsense.
again a competent comment… impressing
Sorry, but such an incompetent answer is not worth more than one contradiction.
Were you with the doctor? Are you sick? Don’t worry about vomiting and sling for diarrhea. For emergencies.
please don’t get into nonsense…
that answers the question.
Take care of a therapy