Angst vor Eltern und Zwangsverheiratung was soll ich tun?
Hey ihr Lieben, Ich habe eine Organisation gefunden die anscheinend sehr anonym ist und junge Frauen & Mädchen bei Gewalt hilft und Verschleppung ins Ausland. Dies nennt sich „Papatya“ und ich wollte wissen ob ihr Erfahrungen mit dieser Organisation habt?
Da ich genau diesen Problem habe ohne Willen ins Heimatland verschleppt worden bin mit eine jüngere 17 Jährige Schwester die in 4 Monaten 18 wird.
nun habe ich auch seit paar Tagen riesige Angst das ich zwangsverheiratet werde!
unsere Pässe wurden weg genommen der von meine Schwester wurde zerissen.
Meine Eltern zwingen uns zu Schule zu gehen obwohl wir die sprache nicht können, wir sind keine Deutsche Staatsbürger. Meine Eltern folter uns meine Mutter ist hoch narzisstisch sie ist sehr neidisch auf mich da ich ein Schweizer Freunde habe und in Deutschland ein freies Leben, Ich habe darum diese Organisation angeschrieben aber kann nicht warten bis ich eine Antwort bekomme, da ich sehr Angst habe vor mein Eltern jede Sekunde kann es sein das wir geschlagen werden!
Vielleicht werden jetzt manche von euch sagen ruft die Polizei, das würde ich gerne machen jedoch haben wir ein Bekannten Polizisten der neben uns wohnt. und er weiß von unsere Situation aber tut nix dagegen! also habe ich Angst die Polizei anzurufen da meine Eltern 100% den Nachbarn Polizisten anrufen werden er soll vorbei kommen! und dann kriegen wir nochmal Stress.
If your sister and you threaten the forced marriage, you’re right with this organization. You don’t need your papers. They know this problem and help you get new. You should contact her right away before your sister and you find yourself married again. Papatya can even help you escape.
I know this organization and support those with donations. They are serious and really help.
Thank you! Did you have experiences with them?
Get new passports in your home country and try to get back to Germany somehow. You’ll have a residence permit here.
And if you grew up in Germany, and you went to school, you just get citizenship when you’re here again.
Hello yes I have my passport but my sister has no one.. she is 17 I think she can’t apply for a pass alone. Well and I have only one visa:/ to 30 September! I would have got a residence permit because I had the training in Germany but that’s exactly what my parents have avoided! they brought me higher
Probably the club can help you much better than anyone here. Especially since we don’t even know where you are right now.
But for you it could make sense to book the next plane to Germany. At least if you can stay there with friends
Your residence permit is still valid and you can easily enter.
Everything else can then be easily solved from Germany.
Of course, I know you don’t want to let your sister down, but I think you can also help her from Germany.
Yes, I also want to do this, but I know how dangerous my parents are then really that they are doing honorary because we are for them anyway “damaging” and our whole family threatens us with murder if we go away.
You should contact the German embassy in the country where you are. You can also contact the last city in which you lived in Germany.
How long have you been gone from Germany? Do you have access to some money?
Since 24 June we are in our home country
Money is garkein problem I have a friend he can give me any time.
I got that you shouldn’t turn Random to the German embassy because they send you back home unnecessarily, apparently authorities in Germany should report back there. But I also find it very funny that my sister’s school doesn’t even ask where she stays or something..
If the sister has fulfilled the compulsory schooling, the authorities are not very interested, as close to age 18.
If I were you, I would go to the border, give a helper money to get over. Once you’re in the Schengen area, you can relax and return to Germany. Then get in your city with a girlfriend or rent a hotel – and especially order a new ID for Germany for loss.
There are solutions for this when it is back in Germany. She’s not the first person with such a problem.
No title without passport.
If it was officially registered in Germany until June or it is still, Germany will issue a new branch card (don’t know exactly how it is known). She can order the passport at the Bosnian Embassy.
No, it’s not a German citizen. She’s got to get her Bosnian passport and let her go.
as you are not a German citizen, no one can help you from here