Angst vor der weisheitszahn op?

ich habe morgen mein weisheitszahn op mit betäubung tut das weh also spürt man was ? ich habe sehr angst

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7 months ago

It always depends on how this wisdom tooth is in the jaw or (cross/diagonal) and whether the gum is still on it or whether it is already visible. Does he have much or little caries or none? The latter would be very good.

An X-ray picture would be super but certainly not possible at the moment. If it is visible and is quite straight, the whole thing is not funny but good and quickly feasible.

With a good local anesthesia, you feel no pain, but you hear and feel the tingling and crunching in the bone. Many patients then sit there and wake up with every noise because they wait for the appalling pain. It’s very difficult to handle this fear of expectation. It doesn’t hurt!

7 months ago

10+ years ago I removed all 4 once under local anesthesia. I didn’t have any pain.

You absolutely don’t need to be afraid of it.

7 months ago

Yep, hurt a bit, especially when the anesthesia in the mouth stops working.

But, and I say that as someone who is very sensitive to pain, it goes past and it is bearable. My wisdom-tooth removal was certainly not the most beautiful moment of my life, but from the pain I had worse periods of pain.

7 months ago

Not really. A local anesthesia.




7 months ago

You don’t feel taking out the tooth, but I found the anesthesia very disgusting.