Angst vor den Uni Professoren?
Ich schäme mich vor den Professoren/habe irgendwie Angst mit denen zu reden und so. Ich mache sogar Fehler bei Aufgaben wenn mir einer zusieht oder wenn ich mit einem spreche mache ich Sprachfehler. Hatte das noch jemand?
I wouldn’t focus so much on the subject of university and professors, but that sounds very, very strong to me that you have very rough difficulties with your self-confidence, probably there has been something very unfavorable from your parents, you obviously couldn’t give you what you needed. Most likely, you’d have the same problem if you’re now z. already in the profession, with your bosses or you’re supposed to. talking to some other group, so I don’t think it’s about the university.
In your place, I would like to see some guidebooks or Dealing with advice videos on self-confidence and performing exercises for several months. In any case, keep your successes in mind what you’ve already achieved, be it like Abitur with all the exams included or maybe a driver’s test, medals in sports, maybe some appearance, any stuff. Be aware that you can do something and that professors are just ordinary people. They were even students! Many professors I have met are very nice, but there were definitely also some assl** and some who are very funny or very uninterested, as always in life, there are such and such.
If you prepare for a “professional” conversation properly, you can e.g. your question will not be a problem at all. Also try to breathe calmly and imagine that it will be a pleasant and good conversation, visualize the success beforehand. And if necessary, don’t let 1-2 critical queries or the like insecure, but look at something like normal. What I can generally recommend: Start with something like a martial art/self-defense training, about this physical level you can build very well more self-confidence, keyword also self-being in a confrontation, to the serious physical conflict.
Good luck!
But it only has to do with them because I only have them. (Bin Uni Beginner)
PS: Or is it that you had the feeling from the beginning that you might not even fit the university? Have your family, friends or the like also made you doubt if you can do that at all? So you’re asking the whole subject of university with strong self-doubts?
That means you’re sure you don’t have any trouble. at a bigger family party? Or you’re doing an internship and don’t have any problems talking to the top boss? Can’t it be that you’re just looking at the university right now and not the other one…?
I don’t know, and I don’t have it in other places.
Hello raspberry722,
Professors are also only humans;-)
At the faculty there is a barbecue every year, where professors and lecturers grill and drink drinks. You get to know many people from another, more private side. It helps both sides.
Good luck!