Angst vor dem herausschmiss in der Probezeit was tun?
Bin derzeit als junior Backendentwickler am Arbeiten.
Mein Job ist ok, aber anstrengend. Hab legacy code den ich nur schwer verstehe und ‘ne Anleitung von einem ehemaligen Kollegen meiner Partnerfirma, die aber einfach in vielen Teilen nicht funktioniert. Darin waren auch falsche Befehle.
Wir sind ATM 3er-Team und meine Projektleiterin codet gar nichts, mein Senior macht später was für 2 stunden und gib mir Anweisungen und ich schreibe eigentlich alles.
Heute sollten wir deployen ging aber nicht, ssh keys etc. gingen nicht, code war für ‘ne andere Umgebung ausgelegt. Ich habe es nicht gepackt und irgendwann im Frust zu meinem Senior gemeint “es tut mir leid, aber diese Anleitung und fast jede Funktion, die dort ist, macht Probleme, geht nicht und es nervt einfach”. Mein Senior wirkt bis jetzt sehr locker und meint “das dürfen wir so den Kollegen von der Partner Firma nicht sagen, der code ist von ‘nem ehemaligen von denen”. Er selbst hatte aber öfters angemerkt, dass der Code alt ist, nicht effektiv und unnötig komplex. Auch die Architektur ist n Problem.
Ich hab nur Angst um meinen Job und jetzt quasi beschlossen meinen Frust nie wieder zu äußern aus Angst.
In your place, I would grab the experienced colleagues to go through the problem tables because the practical problems where you don’t get on your own and in a quiet minutes you will be able to update the instructions about any polite reason “changed code recommendations”, “adapting to the current system” or whatever happens to you. It doesn’t have to happen in a go. But if necessary, it can be done every time that you get stumbled about crap that can be repaired in the instructions so that you can actually work with it.
Really? Why?
Hardly comprehensible code, misguided instruction and “stop so” attitude of colleagues who leave a virtually with it alone I would also find frustrating.
This isn’t the ideal situation where apparently nothing changes at some point. For me at least comprehensible if you are not enthusiastic.
Don’t worry about anything like that.
Ever try to interpret ChatGPT’s code (of course in consultation with your boss)? In your case, ChatGPT instruct you to install comments on the attached code.
If this is possible for your code case outside larger frameworks etc.
Welcome to the world of Lacacy code…🤫.
You should stay relaxed for the first time… The more experienced members of your team don’t seem to be much that doesn’t go ahead. Ergo are probably familiar with the consequences…
Anyway, strange teamwork. In the two mentioned case, you should not re-wine the “Verein” and stretch the feelers to a better environment.
… real strange communication… Even if the boss was written personally… They know exactly why the project was outsourced….
As @ has already mentioned, you should talk to your colleagues, but not foolish, especially constructively attach your ideas. For my “feeling” they are too relaxed…
The whole thing from the view of a (Ex)SeniorChef…:
When I retired, a long line of “youngsters” with green faces and smoking heads sat on my 20-year-old code. …a selection process and many did not fit “the glass shoe” (has something from the ashtray)…
Either they were able to think into the functioning or not…
…That was what was wanted… so the chaff separated from the wheat..
In my case, it took almost 5 years for a young colleague to stand on the mat and presented a complete roadmap to replace the old stuff step by step…. and not another 20 years to “flickschustern”
That was the one who had understood and had the Ar*** in his pants trying to pull the thing through…
This was our “man” and has been the boss for 8 years now, and I was finally out and only occasionally adviser when it comes to technical details…
Just in the case of Legacy-Kram it is important not to say: “goes nich” . (I assume that it was the time that the “healthy” took his hat)
As a “new” I can only put you to the heart to decide whether you want to go through this thing after your imagination (then you have to speak it openly) or whether the shoe does not fit you. (It would be quite unwise to mutilate your feet… There are also other princes …employers)
what is legacy code? where is the difference to normal code?
Lagacy Code is old code that has been added to new components and changes over many years/years. The special feature is that the new program parts in the “running operation” were “dran tacked” to the existing older parts.
Over the years, programmers, programming languages, and concepts changed. Documentaries on old parts of the program were lost. Manch programmer tried to make himself inconsistent by screwing his code with “fallen” and cryptic names. As always today, with such a Wirrwarr hardly anyone looks through what was done when.
Some giant monsters, some of which are baked with unknown tricks, are lurking in thousands of companies today. Complete reprogramming would cost millions/billions or is impossible with outdated pereferie hardware.
Here’s another beautiful story of the fight against a legacy monster:
(Really brilliantly written and absolutely readable)
Dafaq you also have to express your frustration and I wouldn’t stress too hard (yes just sound) if it doesn’t work. And if the code is so bleeding, it’s always new because it’s always stopped.
It happens that you have to rebuild or improve a code and adjust it. To do this, you just have to buy a big software product from HP 😊 I haven’t seen any installation routines of those who were running right now. You can’t be discouraged.
Here, too, I just wouldn’t see everything so dramatic. Of course, I have to settle with dirt code, and then I rewritten it in consultation with my boss. So have self-confidence in your skills and not thinking about the Damokles sword of the caterpillar.