Afraid of tuning your guitar?
Hey guys, please don't laugh at me but my acoustic guitar sounds horrible and I need to tune it again.
My problem: I can't tune because I'm afraid of the wood cracking or a string breaking. I know that's part of the job, and I just sat down and tried it, but I was so terrified by the noises that I stopped. I've always had my friend or my dad tune my guitar. But at some point, I'll obviously have to do it myself. But I'm scared. 🥲😅
Does anyone else feel the same way? How did you overcome your fear?
Don’t let it go.
One is true of the first string and second string, and the latter is retuned a little. And you tune the second string. So you know that you don’t have to turn very far and you can’t tear the string. However, you will get a feeling in which area you can move until the pitch is right.
Well, I’m bassist and I don’t have the problem with tearing the strings.
But maybe it’ll help if you’re wearing some kind of smart gear. ( helmet glasses gloves jacket etc.) Then you can’t hurt yourself when a string tears. Although it won’t catch you sowiso, it’s not possible.
I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question.
Do you have a tuning device with which you can gradually approach the right sound? Then you don’t tend to overturn.
I did. However, this crack also comes when approaching the right tone. And only that’s creepy.
Yeah, it happened to me that I had a string flying around my ears. 😁
Normally, it doesn’t happen. Go ahead
Yeah, it doesn’t make my fear go away. 🫥
Can report my answer to the deletion.